Honeywell Presents Hometown Heroes Award to Operation USA CEO
The company gives the award to Richard Walden, having partnered with his company since 2004
Honeywell has awarded the CEO and Founder of Operation USA, Richard Walden, with The Hometown Heroes Award, according to a press release from Honeywell. The award honors those who have shown long-term dedication to improving the lives of others. Honeywell has partnered with Operation USA since 2004 to help provide relief to areas that are struck with natural disasters.
Honeywell Hometown Solutions and Operation USA have collaborated on several projects since their partnership was formed, including: reconstructing a fishing village in Sri Lanka after a tsunami, building health clinics in Pakistan after an earthquake, constructing clean water systems in India, rebuilding two schools and five health clinics in China following an earthquake and more.
Based in Los Angeles, Operation USA has donated more than $350 million in aid to over 100 countries since its establishment in 1979. Countries that have received aid include El Salvador, India, Turkey, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Japan, Iraq, Iran and more.
Honeywell Hometown Solutions – a corporate social responsibility initiative - gave the award to Walden at an event that included over 400 audience members and thousands streaming in via the web. Honeywell Hometown Solutions itself has been received more than 80 awards for its outreach efforts.