OSHA Serves Bakery $55,000 in Fines for Amputation Hazards
The violations include failing to provide appropriate machine guarding on equipment, such as the automated bread oven, and provide fall protection for employees working on top of the ovens.
OSHA has cited Bimbo Bakeries USA in San Antonio for 10 serious violations following a safety and health inspection at the company's work site in San Antonio after investigators found workers exposed to numerous workplace hazards, including the danger of amputations. Proposed penalties total $55,000.
"This company failed to provide the required machine guarding to prevent amputation incidents," said Jeff Funke, OSHA's area director in San Antonio. "In this case, it is fortunate that no one was injured."
OSHA began its inspection on April 14 at the company's facility on South Gevers Street where employees were manufacturing bread products. The investigation was part of OSHA's National Emphasis Program on Amputations.
The violations include failing to provide appropriate machine guarding on equipment, such as the automated bread oven; provide fall protection for employees working on top of the ovens; provide guarding for belts, pulleys, and keyed shaft ends; and ensure electrical deficiencies were maintained, including exposed electrical wiring and improperly grounded cords. Additionally, the employer failed to provide procedures and methods to control hazardous energy for equipment with multiple energy sources.