This Encon Safety portable, 37-gallon pressurized wash station includes both eyewash and a drench hose.

Agriculture Eyewash/Shower Changes Proposed by Oregon OSHA

Public hearings are set for April 27 in Hood River and April 29 in Salem to discuss the proposed changes.

Oregon OSHA has announced two public hearings, April 27 in Hood River and April 29 in Salem, to discuss several proposed changes in the sections of its Division 4, Agriculture rules governing provision of eyewash and emergency shower systems, safety committees and safety meetings, and how tree farms are classified -- as agriculure employers or forst activities. The changes have resulted from legislation, input from stakeholders, and input from OR-OSHA's staff.

Subdivision 4/K, Medical and First Aid, explains when eyewash and emergency shower systems are required, and it contains standards for both plumbed and free-standing systems. While the current rules require employers to ensure the availability of emergency medical services for sick or injured employees, the proposal includes language to call EMS timely to provide treatment, accrording to the agency's notice of the hearings. The Hood River event will begin at 11:30 a.m. and the Salem event at 1:30 p.m.

The proposed changes to Subdivision 4/C, Safety Awareness, spell out how many non-seasonal employees per location require that employer to have a safety committee rather than conduct safety meetings. Separate safety orientation is required for employers of seasonal workers, who are defined as "employee for three or fewer months in a calendar year." Requirements for both seasonal and non-seasonal workers specify that safety awareness information must surmount any language barrier by the use of non-technical terms, pictures, or translators.

For information, visit or call 800-922-2689.


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