EPA's Peacock Fields Questions in New Online Forum

After the success yesterday of EPA's new online interactive forum, "Ask EPA," in which the agency's Administrator Stephen L. Johnson made himself available for an hour to answer questions sent in about environmental and human health issues, a second installment is planned for an hour on Nov. 8 featuring answers from Deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock. The live Q&A will run from 2-3 p.m. ET, but you can submit questions from Nov. 6 until the end of the session.

Specifically, Peacock will address questions about how EPA measures the agency's performance, finds new ways to deliver environmental results, and his new blog "Flow of the River." Peacock, you may remember, was sworn in to office Aug. 8, 2005, and within a month was appointed the lead for coordinating EPA's response to Hurricane Katrina. Subsequently, the Inspector General described EPA's post-Katrina operations as "commendable." Currently, Peacock is focusing on improving EPA management systems including the development of the agency's first Quarterly Management Reports.

In yesterday's live launch of "Ask EPA," Johnson said the agency wanted to make the Q&A forum a regular series, holding a session every other week. For that initial session, which was designed to focus on the agency's efforts to promote clean and dependable energy solutions, including the Energy Star Change a Light Campaign, he said 120 questions had been submitted. He was able to address 23 of them in the allotted hour. For a transcript of that live session, visit http://www.epa.gov/askepa/transcripts/askepa110107.html. For more information or to receive email alerts on upcoming hosts and topics, visit the "Ask EPA" site at www.epa.gov/askepa. To read Peacock's blog, The Flow of the River, go to http://flowoftheriver.epa.gov/.

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