OH&S November Cover

November 2009

  • WINTER HAZARDS: Nanotextiles Coming of Age
  • CONFINED SPACES: Gas Monitors: A Great Investment
  • ERGONOMICS: Lift Teams Ease the Pain
  • ELECTRICAL SAFETY: Start with 70E's Tables, but Don't End There

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Cover Story

guy with respiratory mask

Voluntary Use of Respirators

By Lynn Feiner

If there are no contaminants at your worksite or the concentration levels are below the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL), you, as the employer or Respiratory Protection Program Administrator, may allow your employees to wear respirators for relief from nuisance dusts or other contaminants, including relief from nuisance odors. But before you give the go-ahead, you need to know what your responsibilities are and the options you have as the Employer/Program Administrator.


Electrical Safety Inspection

Why Compliance based Electrical Safety Programs Fail

By Daryn Lewellyn

Instead of focusing on safety (i.e., the avoidance of employee injury), many safety managers are focused on compliance (i.e., the avoidance of regulatory action taken against them). To put it another way, compliance-first is a mindset that asks, "What do I need to do to stay safe in the eyes of the government?" while a safety-first mindset frames the issue more simply: "What do I need to do to stay safe?"

Mason with motion capture sensors

Lift Teams Share the Load

By Paul Moraski, Mary Watters

No two ways about it: Masonry is hard work and stressful on the body. Masonry workers have the highest rate of back injuries causing days away from work among all of the construction trades. The rate is more than one and a half times higher than the average rate for all construction workers.

Fall protection guy

Competent Person Fall Protection Training

By Kevin Denis

One of the questions most frequently asked is, "What kind of training do I need to be a Competent Person in regard to fall protection?" Although it seems like a straightforward question, the answer can be a little tricky. Many people believe the singular requirement to achieve Competent Person status is completion of a fall protection course, but it's just not that simple.

Confined Space Entry Compliance

By Sarah Ursulan

Confined space entry presents a potential hazard in numerous industries. Whether it is an inspection of an aircraft fuel tank, entering the hold of a barge, working in an underground utility vault, or cleaning a wine fermentation tank, education and safety are important when entering confined spaces.


three male bodyguards

En Garde

By Marc Barrera

The popular image of a bodyguard is someone 3-feet thick wearing a black suit and tie, impenetrable sunglasses, and whispering into a wrist phone. Thanks to Hollywood, many of us immediately picture Kevin Costner carrying Whitney Houston through an unruly crowd of fans, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Half-facepiece respirator

Using Half-Facepiece Respirators for H1N1

By Scott Larson

With the recent outbreak of H1N1 virus around the globe, there has been increased interest in using respirators to help protect people at work, at home, and while out in public. While most people have seen or used respirators, few people truly appreciate and understand how these apparently simple devices actually work and what is required to use them properly in order to receive the expected protection that they can offer.

Incenting, Not Incensing Workers

By Robert Pater

Ever find that what initially seems like a good thing just backfires? This is more likely to happen with an intervention when leaders haven't thoroughly thought it through.

Artificial Intelligence
