Scientists at the Dept. of Energy Have Created a Hydrogen Fuel Safety App

The DOE creates the app to ensure those working with fuel cells are doing so in a safe manner

According to an article from R&D Magazine, scientists have developed a new app for hydrogen fuel safety.  Backed by the DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), the app—entitled Hydrogen Tools—was created with the support of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

As the use of fuel cells grows each day, the DOE wanted to ensure that people were using them in the safest way possible. Fuel cells convert chemical energy from fuel into electricity through a chemical reaction with oxygen.  According to R&D Magazine, the project manager of the app says that fuel cells are becoming more common because of the myriad of ways they can be used, such as in vehicles, in warehouses and as backup energy sources in buildings

The free app does a number of things, from sharing best practices for hydrogen safety, to featuring a separation distances calculator to helping users determine the minimum separation distance from a hydrogen gas system to an enclosure. The app also features a safety events module, a hydrogen properties module, a conversion calculator for hydrogen phase points, technical references and more.

The app features a very user-friendly interface and can be used on iPhone and iPad.

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