The camera is mounted in front of the fire truck

Thermal Imagers Added to Argentine Forest Fire Trucks

Orlaco, a Dutch company, provided the cameras, which are waterproof and shock-resistant and mounted on the front bumper of the vehicles.

The fire trucks used to fight forest fires in Argentina now are equipped with thermal imaging cameras. Orlaco, a Dutch company, provided the cameras, which are waterproof and shock-resistant and mounted on the front bumper of the vehicles. They help the drivers navigate through smoke when responding to a fire, according to the company.

The project to equip forest fire trucks with Orlaco thermal imaging cameras begain in 2010. (Orlaco photo)Some of the cameras are mounted on a rotating and elevating unit on the trucks, which are designed for off-road driving.

The initial 32 trucks were built by Jacinto Ltda in Portugal and then transported to Argentina. Orlaco's Tijmen van Ginkel went to Buenos Aires to train the operators and technicians to use the cameras, according to Orlaco's news release, which says Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner officially presented the new vehicles to the national fire department.


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