CSB Meeting Feb. 7 on Carbide Industries Case
The board's meeting in Louisville, Ky., concerns its staff's findings on the causes of the March 21, 2011, explosion in that city. Two workers died of burn injuries as a result.
The Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board has scheduled a public meeting on Feb. 7 starting at 6:30 p.m. EST in Louisville, Ky., to present the findings from its investigation into the March 21, 2011, furnace explosion at the Carbide Industries facility. Two workers were killed and two were injured when an electric arc furnace over-pressured and emitted powdered debris, hot gases, and molten calcium carbide.
The blast broke through a double-pane reinforced glass window of the control room, and the two workers inside were so severely burned that they died within 24 hours from their injuries, according to the board.
Its announcement said key issues identified in the investigation include facility siting and the effectiveness of safety standards that cover electric arc furnaces. The board will accept public comments and then will consider whether to approve the final case study and recommendations.