A+A 2013 Exhibit Space Already Up to 2011 Numbers

The organizers say more than 1,600 exhibitors will participate in the Nov. 5-8 trade fair and congress at the Dusseldorf, Germany fairgrounds.

Organizers of the A+A 2013 International Trade Fair with Congress for Safety, Security and Health at Work recently reported this big show at the fairgrounds in Dusseldorf, Germany, continues to grow. It will take place Nov. 5-8, and 613,500 square feet of exhibit space had been spoken for by the beginning of December 2012 -- equaling the record figure of the previous event, A+A 2011. More than 1,600 exhibitors will participate this time.

"One market that has been growing in particular is corporate fashion and image wear. In this highly fashion-focused area of work clothes and protective clothing, the products of the exhibitors and the A+A Fashion Show will win new target groups for A+A, such as decision-makers from companies requiring customized clothing," said Joachim Schäfer, managing director of Messe Düsseldorf.

"More and more companies are beginning to see corporate health management as a vital success factor," added Birgit Horn, director of A+A 2013. "It's a matter of sustaining employee performance and of counteracting physical and psychological strain. A+A will present a comprehensive overview of services and products for the corporate health sector."

The ergonomically-oriented Workplace Design theme park will be a feature in Hall 10. It is organized by the publishing company Dr. Curt Haefner-Verlag, the ergonomics departments of various universities, and the German Networking Office. The entire trade fair will fill eight halls, with personal protective safety equipment exhibitors in Halls 3, 4, 5, 7.9, 9, and 10. Corporate security and special equipment for disaster relief will be in Halls 6 and 7a, and 6 also will include the Fire & Disaster Relief theme park (done in partnership with the German Association of Plant Fire Services WFV and the German Federal Relief Agency THW. Hall 7 will house the Safety & Security Innovation Park with live demonstrations and presentations of innovative products and services.

For more information, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America (150 North Michigan Ave., Suite 2920, Chicago, IL 60601, phone 312-781-5180, fax 312-781-5188, e-mail [email protected], or http://www.mdna.com and http://twitter.com/OccSafety_MDNA.


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