EMS Safety Culture Proposals Due July 9
Meanwhile, IAFC has asked its members to answer a survey that will help the association launch a redesigned website next year.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Office of EMS is accepting proposals until 3 p.m. EST June 9 that explain how the U.S. emergency medical service's current safety culture can be improved. The goal is develop a “Culture of Safety in EMS,” according to the agency.
The culture of safety encompasses both patients’ safety and that of EMS personnel, according to the NHTSA office. Grants.gov is the address for filing a proposal by the deadline. Administrative and program questions can be e-mailed to Brenda K. Brummer, a contract specialist, at nhtsaoam.dot.gov until 3 p.m. EST on Friday, July 18.
At the same time, the International Association of Fire Chiefs has asked its members to answer a survey that will help the association launch a redesigned website next year to aid the fire and emergency service. IAFC (www.iafc.org) is asking for responses by July 9.