EPA Publishes Meth Lab Cleanup Guidelines

EPA has issued a document providing state and local governments technical guidance for methamphetamine lab cleanups. The agency says the document is based on an extensive review of the best available science and practices for cleanup. Other issues included are best practices for specific items or materials, sampling procedures, and technical resources.

The production and use of meth across the United States continues to pose considerable challenges, EPA notes. Although there is a decline in the domestic production of meth in recent years, vigilance is warranted because of the destructive nature of the drug and the environmental hazards caused by meth labs, the agency said.

The Methamphetamine Remediation Research Act of 2007 required EPA to develop these guidelines, based on the best currently available knowledge in the field of meth lab remediation. EPA said it reviewed state guidance and regulations to develop these voluntary guidelines. In addition, this document has received extensive review and refinement from a broad array of stakeholders as well as feedback from nationally recognized experts in meth lab remediation.

For more information on the document, titled “Voluntary Guidelines for Methamphetamine Laboratory Cleanup,” visit www.epa.gov/oem/methlab.htm.


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