GSA Opens IDEAS 2009 Conference on Disability Policy
The U.S. General Services Administration is holding the 2009 Interagency Disability Educational Awareness Showcase (IDEAS) today through Oct. 6, at the Marvin Center at The George Washington University, 800 21st Street, NW, Washington, D.C., 20052. This free conference is seeking to educate agencies and industry about Section 508 policy, which requires that federal agencies' electronic and information technology be accessible to people with disabilities.
Through workshops, discussions, and exhibits, the IDEAS conference will provide a showcase for available and emerging assistive technologies and will feature Kareem Dale, special assistant to the president for Disability Policy, as the keynote speaker.
In addition, GSA's Terry Weaver, director of IT Accessibility and Workforce, will join other government leaders to provide updates on Section 508 policy including the federal government's progress in complying with Section 508 and an upcoming governmentwide survey. The panel will also address the applicability of Section 508 to Web 2.0 media.
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