New Online Store Caters to Shiftworkers, 24/7 Businesses

CIRCADIAN, a Stoneham, Mass.-based provider of consultancy, research, software, and information for businesses that operate around the clock, has launched a new online store: The aim of the site is to provide a one-stop location for shiftworkers and their managers to find information and tools to help improve the health, safety, productivity, and quality of life for the growing 24/7 workforce.

The e-commerce Web site will feature all of CIRCADIAN's research reports, training materials, and shiftworker publications, such as the Working Nights Newsletter. While the site is geared mainly for industrial shiftwork, special sections of the "store" are devoted to those in the nursing and trucking industries. Plus, the company is developing two new sections of the site, one dealing with online tools and another offering shiftworker tools and gifts.

To visit the site, go to


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