Finding it Impossible to See It All? NSC Has You Covered

Perhaps you've got your agenda for your NSC 2008 Congress & Expo trip planned down to every second of every minute of every hour of every day. But whether or not you've planned ahead, the chances are there will be more than a handful of technical, educational, or keynote speaker sessions that you won't be able to attend. And besides, who has time to take copious notes of every session attended? Thankfully, there is a way to spare pen and paper and even save a little cash.

As in years past, NSC will be making available for purchase an audio CD of more than 130+ technical sessions along with all pertinent speaker handouts in PDF format, which may be viewed onscreen during audio playback or printed to a hard copy.

The audio CD will play on a Windows PC and contains an "audio book marking" feature that allows users to listen at their own pace. Recordings may also be downloaded to an iPod or burned to a CD. Attendees who purchase their CDs during the show will save $40 on the purchase price, which will be $299 after the event.

Orders can be placed during the show at the IntelliQuest Media sales booth located in Lobby A of the Anaheim Convention Center, near the Registration area. Also, audio CDs are still available for purchase from the NSC 2007 and 2006 Congress & Expos, go to for more information.


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