AIHA Calls for Professional Development Course Proposals
The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) announced on June 13 that it will be accepting proposals for professional development courses (PDCs) to be held Saturday and Sunday, May 30-June 1, 2009, in conjunction with the 2009 American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Expo (AIHce) in Toronto. The deadline for submissions is Aug. 15, 2008.
Toronto will hold the conference and exposition for occupational and environmental health and safety professionals (OEHS). Each year, AIHce offers educational opportunities and 2009 will be no different, with more than 70 PDCs and more than 100 technical sessions that will focus on current OEHS issues. PDCs provide information on new standards, regulations, and innovations in technology; traditional occupational and safety issues; new chemical and biological threats; and upcoming career challenges.
To request a printed brochure, contact Bruce Hermit, AIHA's continuing education coordinator, at (703) 846-0752 or [email protected]. AIHA's online PDC submission site for AIHce 2009 is