OSHA, Forging Industry of America Renew Alliance
OSHA recently renewed its alliance with the Forging Industry of America (FIA), which will focus on issues related to ergonomics and machine guarding in the forging industry.
In addition, the organizations will continue to provide information and training resources to FIA members and others in the industry, including small businesses and individuals with limited English proficiency.
"OSHA and FIA have made positive strides over the past two years in addressing the hazards commonly experienced by employees in this industry, including potential amputations," said Edwin G. Foulke, Jr., assistant secretary of labor for OSHA. "As we continue our alliance with FIA, we will expand upon our efforts to produce products and resources designed to increase safety and awareness of job hazards."
Through the Alliance, FIA developed three tip sheets for the forging industry titled "Reduce the Risk of Back Injuries," "Help Prevent Eye Injuries," and "Help Prevent Hand Lacerations"--which describe possible causes and ways in which to prevent back, eye, and hand injuries in the workplace.
The FIA-developed "OSHA Cooperative Programs" brochure, and the FIA and OSHA Alliance Web page (www.osha.gov/dcsp/alliances/fia/fia.html) both highlight OSHA's On-site Consultation and cooperative programs.
"FIA is excited and pleased about renewing our alliance with OSHA," said Director of Training Services George Layne. "The cooperative working relationship between OSHA and FIA over the past two years has provided FIA with additional guidance and resources to help improve the health and welfare of our membership." Layne added that, "FIA's annual reports show a steady decline in reported injuries and illnesses among our member companies, with much of this success being attributed to the increased focus on safety promoted by our alliance and the assistance provided by our OSHA Alliance team."
FIA is an association of approximately 105 North American forging producers who operate more than 150 plants and employ about 45,000 people throughout the U.S. and Canada.