OSHA Seeks Susan Harwood Training Grant Applications
OSHA announced in yesterday's Federal Register (available here) that it is seeking applications for Susan Harwood Training Grants.
The grants are awarded to nonprofit organizations, including community- and faith-based organizations that are not state or local government agencies, to provide training and education programs for employers and employees on safety and health topics selected by OSHA.
Approximately $6.7 million is available for the Harwood targeted topic training grants. For this grant announcement, 18 training topics were selected, including combustible dust; falls from scaffolds, ladders and roofs in construction; and food processing health hazards such as diacetyl exposures in popcorn and other food flavoring facilities. Grants will be awarded for a 12-month project performance period.
Applications for grants must be submitted electronically using the government-wide Web site at www.grants.gov. Grant applications must be received electronically by the system no later than 4:30 p.m. EDT on Friday, May 23, 2008.
Further information on the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program is available at www.osha.gov/dcsp/ote/sharwood.html.