ANSI Reminder: Toy Safety Program Comment Period Nearing End

American National Standards Institute officials are reminding the public that the review and comment period for a new safety assurance program for toys will end March 24, 2008.

Developed in response to toy safety concerns raised during the summer of 2007, the new program prescribes procedures and provides audit mechanisms for design hazard analysis, auditing manufacturing process controls, and product safety testing. It was developed by a working group comprised of toy manufacturers and retailers, safety experts, consumer advocates, and government authorities. ANSI, coordinator of U.S. voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment activities, was commissioned by the U.S. Toy Industry Association to chair the initiative.

The public review and comment period began on Feb. 24, 2008, when it was announced in ANSI's Standards Action, accessible at Following the March 24 close of the public comment period, a final proposal will be presented to the TIA Board for final adoption and implementation. At that time, a timetable for putting the program in action will also be provided.

The draft program and accompanying public comment reply form are available for download at


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