July 2006

  • 2006-2007 Buyer's Guide
  • West Nile Virology
  • Developing Performance-Based Goals and Outcomes
  • Five-Gas Comes of Age

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Get Your Program in Top Shape

By Bill McCann, CSP

THE supervisor is on his daily walkthrough inspection when he notices damaged products staged to be shipped that morning. Upon inspection, it is clear a forklift caused the damage. There is no report of damage or injury from the prior shift, and of course the operators on duty have no idea how it happened. Relieved the product was found prior to being shipped, the supervisor separates the damaged product, knowing it will mean short shipping the customer.

Indoor Air Concerns

By Cindy Baldwin, CIH

ACCORDING to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans spend an average of 90 percent of their time indoors. Approximately 50 percent of that time is spent in the work environment. Experts estimate that nearly 30 percent of office buildings nationwide experience some form of indoor air quality (IAQ) problems. Employers, building managers, and building owners are faced with complaints, worker's compensation claims, and even lawsuits.

OSHA's Multi-Employer Work Site Policy: Who's on First?

By Michael C. Wright, Moniqua Suits, Thomas M. Green, Esq.

How to Choose the Right Escape Mask

By Douglas Durney

SINCE Sept. 11, 2001, there has been an ever-increasing demand for civilian escape masks that are capable of protecting untrained users from chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) inhalants. The anthrax attacks around the country also furthered this demand. To respond to this concern and demand for personal protection, a number of companies began to market escape mask products to the general public and other untrained user populations.

Using the Web to Simplify Compliance

By Michael Beckel

IN the world of hazardous materials, the Internet is the emerging tool of choice for providing material safety data sheets to employees and product purchasers downstream in commerce. Incorporated with an MSDS database, the Internet can be a cost-effective and efficient tool for Hazard Communication compliance and enhanced employee safety.

West Nile Virology

By Ronnie Rittenberry

MOSQUITOES suck. In the process, they inject a chemical that inhibits the body's ability to stop any bleeding that might begin. This chemical is mixed with the mosquito's saliva and, depending on whom or what the mosquito visited before you, other things can be mixed in, too. At best, a sated mosquito will leave you minus a few micrograms of blood and with perhaps a temporary itch. At worst, it will leave you dead within weeks.

Developing Performance Based Goals and Outcomes

By Joe Beck, Worley Johnson

CORPORATE America is often accused of focusing only on the bottom line, making profits. As anyone who has ever operated his own business will tell you, without profits, your business organization will soon cease to exist and a major void of earned income that supports families, businesses, and charities will result, causing them to suffer major impacts that threaten their very survival, as well.

HazDat in Action

By Jim Bolger, Myron Schwartz

FOR 30 years or more, industry and government managers have relied on injury statistics to rate the performance of safety programs and forecast the cost of worker's compensation insurance. While metrics such as Incident Rate and Lost Time Days are accurate measures of what has happened in the past, they are trailing indicators, do little to ferret out the cause of most accidents, and are of little use in understanding how well-trained, experienced machine operators manage to put their hands between immoveable objects and unstoppable blades.

Online and On Time

By Katie McCarthy

CHEMICALS and a bustling workplace can lead to a lethal combination. Keeping track of what is being used, how it is being used, and the disastrous effects that may occur if it is used incorrectly can seem overwhelming. Chemical hazard communication is a difficult topic to manage, but there is hope out there.

Hanging on a Line

By Marty Sharp

WE sometimes hear the expression, "His life is hanging by a thread." This becomes true literally for those who fall while protected by a "fall arrest system." By definition, this "system" consists of an anchorage connector, a body harness, a lanyard, deceleration device, lifeline, or a suitable combination of these.

The Do's & Don'ts of First Aid Compliance

By Matthew Marc Henry, EMT

WHAT exactly is "OSHA First Aid," and what do you need to do to comply with regulations for your industry?

The Five W's of Hazmat Decontamination

By Karen D. Hamel

PERHAPS sparked by the devastating natural disasters and terrorist attacks the nation has experienced in the recent past, a renewed emphasis has been placed on ensuring that decontamination procedures are established and that they are a documented component of emergency response plans.

Five-Gas Comes of Age

By Werner R. Haag, Ph.D.

MULTI-GAS detectors designed for use in confined space entry (CSE) are often not enough to protect against all chemical vapor hazards in the workplace. In their standard configuration, these meters have sensors for oxygen depletion, combustible gases (lower explosive limit or LEL), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Such sensors cover the most common hazards--such as fires from natural gas, propane, or gasoline leaks, and asphyxiation in confined spaces due to lack of oxygen.

Carbon Dioxide Measures Up as a Real Hazard

By Bob Henderson

CARBON dioxide is the fourth most common gas present in the earth's atmosphere, with an average ambient concentration (in fresh air) of about 350 ppm. Carbon dioxide is one of the most common byproducts of living organisms. With every exhaled breath, we produce and release CO2 into the atmosphere (with an average concentration in exhaled breath of about 3.8 percent).

Remember the Training Component

By Mark H. Stromme

ONE of your employees--let's call him Joe Supervisor--is working on a job site where a backhoe is digging the foundation for a new office building. The soil is being loaded into large dump trucks. As you can imagine, the noise level from the backhoe and the trucks is almost deafening. Of course, Joe knows all about the consequence of hearing loss from exposure to noise; that's why he's wearing ear plugs.

Puncture-Resistant Footwear: Arch Nemesis of the Rusty Nail

By Wayne Elsey

PUNCTURE resistance has become the latest darling in safety footwear features for many manufacturers. Is it really a necessary component, or is it just an extra feature that offers little to no real value?

Making Hospital Triage Operations Safer

By Jon Adams

SINCE September 11, 2001, hospitals across the United States have invested in equipment to facilitate safe operations and communication during a crisis involving airborne infections or nuclear/biological/chemical (NBC) contaminants. The extent of this investment varies from one region of the United States to another and from one hospital to the next, but this much is clear:


Tailor Made for Safety

By Marc Barrera

SINCE 9/11 and the events that followed, a spotlight has shown on the dangers faced by first responders, which has resulted for many Americans in a newfound sense of appreciation and support for police officers, firefighters, and military personnel for the tireless service they perform on a daily basis, often with little thanks.

Industrial Accidents

By Stephen V. Magyar, Jr., MBA, CSP

AN accident is an unwanted event that is never scheduled or planned. Many factors contribute to accidents' occurrence; significant losses and even bodily injury can result following each incident. These basic facts are well understood, yet accidents continue to occur, property damage accumulates, work schedules remain interrupted, and injuries reduce personal income.