July 2003


Preparing Spill Response

By Joe Sepulveda

WHETHER a company stores, uses, or transports hazardous materials (hazmat), there is always the potential for a chemical spill. And beyond regulatory requirements that all employees are trained to handle chemical spills, it is also the responsibility of an owner to keep employees safe when doing so.

Training for First Aid Teams or First Aid Responders Part I

By Barbara C. Burton, M.Ed., Lawrence P. Halprin

HE sounded just like a hundred other managers: "We don't need a trained first aid team for our site. We're only five minutes from the hospital, fer cryin' out loud!" His pronouncement was right up there with "We can't afford to do first aid training in this economy" and "If someone gets hurt we'll just call 911, that's what they're for." These are common proclamations from people who do not necessarily see the value of first aid teams and the associated training.

Getting Them Out Alive

By John Baker

WHILE preventing fires, gas leaks, power failures, chemical spills, collapses, and other disasters is a top priority for safety professionals, it's equally important to have a well-developed evacuation plan that can be put into action at a moment's notice. As a former New York City Fire Department officer, I've seen firsthand just how crucial a well-coordinated evacuation is to save lives, prevent injuries, and even reduce property damage.

Fall Safety for the Ironworker

By Marty Sharp

SOME years ago, I built a harness for an ironworker who had an 80-inch waist and 54-inch thighs. He was bigger around than he was tall. I asked the Safety Director if a person this size should even be 6 feet off the ground.

When the Mercury Soars

By Fred Elliott

SUMMER brings us long days and a great deal of work outdoors for many Americans, from farm laborers and loggers to road and highway construction crew members. The hottest season of the year also naturally reminds us of heat stress hazards.

Limiting Security Vulnerabilities

By Tom Allen

SINCE Sept. 11, 2001, America has been under the looming threat of another terrorist attack. The country is responding to this threat by increasing its level of awareness and protection on national, local, and individual levels. In particular, security and occupational safety professionals must prepare for and protect against this new threat.

Training for First Aid Teams or First Aid Responders Part II

By Barbara C. Burton, M.Ed., Lawrence P. Halprin

Meeting the Challenge

By Fred Elliott

FALLS have long been the bane of construction work in this country. Last fall, the third edition of "The Construction Chart Book" from the Center to Protect Workers' Rights pinpointed falls as the leading cause of death for two construction occupations in 1999.

Good for Employees, Good for Business

By Sandra Simpson, APRN, BC, COHN-S

IN today's hectic world, most of us are spending more time at work and have increasingly less time to look after our health. For a long time, employers have understood the benefits associated with keeping workers well: increased productivity from reduced absenteeism and lowered disability claims.

Creative Solutions--Not Just Problems

By Robert Brown, CIH, CSP, CHMM

WHEN I first became an EHS manager, I thought I knew most of what I needed to know as a professional (during the years since then, I have found out just how much I didn't know), but I would, somewhat infrequently, seek help from an external consultant either to confirm my thoughts or to provide creative solutions for the "opportunities" I had identified.

Crime Prevention: Law Enforcement's Role in Security

By Jeff Strossner

IN the post "9/11" era, many businesses have recognized the need for improved security and disaster response. The threats of anthrax, car bombs, bioterrorism, and numerous other hazards have forced business managers to consider the possible risks to their organizations.

Are You Ready for ANSI Z87.1-2003?

By Roger Brooks, Jr.

THE next time one of your employees reaches for his safety eyewear, he might need to do a double take in order to ensure he's getting the right level of protection for the job. That's because the American National Standards Institute is all but set to publish a revision to its current standard, ANSI Z87.1-1989, in order to make it easier to select the specific eye protection needed for a given task.

Making MSDSs Universally Understandable

By Matthew Pullen

WITH an estimated 650,000 hazardous chemicals in the workplace, tens of thousands of chemical manufacturers creating material safety data sheets, and a vague OSHA standard defining its framework, we are left with a discombobulated mess of MSDSs. Yet we are required by law to maintain them in the workplace for our employees.

Modeling Aircraft Cabin Noise

By James R. Johnescu

BOEING Commercial Airplane has used test-based methods to improve the accuracy of an acoustic aircraft cabin model that can save engineering time by predicting acoustic properties of new cabin configurations prior to physical testing.

What's Behind Some of the New Requirements?

By Tony Zoia, MS, CSP

MANY who have responsibilities for employee safety and health have been working with OSHA's new Occupational Injury and Illness Reporting and Recordkeeping standard (29 CFR 1904) for more than a year now. For some, the new requirements make less sense then the former rules.

Time to Change?

By Valerie Weadock

WHEN it comes to a foot protection program, many employers think once their employees lace up a task-approved boot, their program is complete. While these employers might deserve a pat on the back for doing this much to protect their employees' feet, they've really only just begun.

Personal Fall Limiters

By Edward J. Bickrest

PROVIDING flood control, navigation, and electric power to 8.3 million people throughout the southeastern United States requires the 13,000 employees at the Tennessee Valley Authority--the nation's largest public power company--to work at low to moderate heights.

Taking Absorbents into the 21st Century

By Reuben Weinstein

AS many safety managers know, absorbents have long been the first line of defense when dealing with a chemical or oil spill in the workplace. While the Environmental Protection Agency has no management guidelines for the use of specific absorbent materials, safety managers have an obligation to protect their employees from these types of hazards and to protect their companies from the liability that could arise from a spill.

Mercury Spill Control & Cleanup

By Mark A. Ceaser

MERCURY is a known neurotoxin that is extremely toxic even in small amounts. It directly affects the central nervous and renal systems, causing developmental delays and motor and brain problems like those associated with autism.

Combating Occupational Heat Stress: Getting Past the Basics

By Kris Bancroft

THIS article is intended to help the employer and safety professional to further enhance an existing heat stress prevention strategy. In reading this article, keep in mind that each workplace should have its own custom-designed heat stress prevention program; there is no such thing as a "one size fits all" strategy because every workplace has its unique situations and needs.


It Takes a Leader

By Pam Mitchell

When business gets tough, cutting costs is a logical solution. But how effective are across-the-board budget cuts? Reduce budgets. Reduce staffing. Reduce customer service. Each person left is expected to do more work with fewer resources. Has history proven this is the pathway to long-term success?

A Firefighter's Crusade

By Jerry Laws

PATRICK Walsh has big dreams. He leads the Firefighters Save-A-Life Fund, a not-for-profit charitable organization dedicated to ensuring every fire department in America has at least one thermal imaging camera. To accomplish its mission, the fund is trying to raise $250 million however it can.

An Assist with Forklift Training

By Valerie Weadock

ON April 25, 1995, a 37 year-old shop foreman was fatally injured after the forklift he was operating overturned. The victim was turning while backing down an incline with a four percent grade. The forklift was transporting a 3-foot-high, 150-pound stack of cardboard with the forks raised approximately 60 inches off the ground.