To prevent this population of firefighters from developing hearing loss, the authors recommend enrolling all wildland firefighters in a hearing conservation program and that fire agencies maintain fire service-specific hearing loss prevention programs.
NIOSH is making a number of resources available for all employers participating in this year's stand-down.
Many OSHA standards require that an NRTL test and certify certain types of equipment as safe for use in workplaces. They are independent laboratories that meet OSHA's requirements for performing safety testing and certification of products.
The agency is requesting information about the environmental storage conditions.
You can use 100 percent dual layer memory foam insoles to alleviate pain and fatigue. Utilizing insoles in your shoes also prolongs the life of protective footwear.
Welders must be protected from electric shock, welding fumes, fire, and injuries that can be caused by insufficient PPE.
Glove construction now takes into account long-term usability to reduce finger fatigue, chronic skin conditions, and more troublesome musculoskeletal disorders.
More than 3.5 million adults and children suffer an acquired brain injury every year. Traumatic brain injury, a subset of ABI, affects at least 2.5 million children and adults annually in this country, with 280,000 TBI hospitalizations and 50,000 TBI deaths recorded annually.
Robert Panara taught English for two decades at Gallaudet College in Washington, D.C. He helped found the National Technical Institute for the Deaf in 1967 and became its first deaf faculty member.
Applications for the Pilot Accreditation Program are now due on May 10, 2017.
PPE-Info is the only private or public U.S. database that compiles, tracks, and updates comprehensive information about national PPE standards and select product information, according to the agency.
Hazards overhead are a concern for workers in many industries, notably upstream oil and gas and construction.
It is important to understand the entire spectrum of risks steelworkers are exposed to and consider multifunctional PPE alternatives to protect against each hazard.
Know what you are truly buying: The AR/FR fabric in workwear is the single largest factor in determining the garment's protection level, comfort, and overall value.
Fit-testing of hearing protection now allows a worker to try various hearing protectors to determine which type is most suitable.
The 2017 Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Award™ honors those that have contributed to the prevention of noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus through effective practices or innovations directed to those who are exposed to noise at work.
The company reported it expects wind energy, transportation, and utilities to experience higher growth than other PPE segments through 2021 as they increasingly adopt sophisticated products.
A CDC survey found millions have hearing damage even when their hearing is perceived as excellent
"Given the increase in occupational cancer incidents in the fire service, we feel it is best to err on the side of caution as we await additional scientific research on PPE and learn more about the absorption of carcinogens near the forehead, jaw, neck, and throat," said Ed Conlin, the NFPA Public Fire Protection division's manager.
Hand usage can affect cumulative trauma soft-tissue issues in the arms, neck, shoulders, and back.