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DOL Lawsuit Challenges ESOP Trustee's Decisions

The federal court suit alleges PBI Bank, Inc., trustee of the Miller's Health Systems Employee Stock Ownership Plan, is responsible for violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.

More than 1,500 winter maintenance professionals are expected to attend the May 4-7, 2014, event.

Cincinnati to Host 2014 North American Snow Conference

More than 1,500 "snowfighters" are expected to attend the May 2014 four-day conference, which features a general session focused on risk, safety, and liability issues.

Almost All Raw Chicken Breast Produced in U.S. Contains Gut Bacteria

Consumer Reports states that 97 percent of raw chicken breast it tested contains gut bacteria that could make people sick if handled improperly.

WA Man Charged in Fake Injury Scheme to Acquire Painkillers

The defendant "showed up with visible cuts and other injuries that he claimed to have suffered in construction accidents from November 2012 through February 2013" and talked medical staffers into treating him and prescribing the drugs, according to the Washington state Department of Labor & Industries.


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