Among those listed as high priority for the years 2015-2019 are multi-walled carbon nanotubes, welding and welding fumes, and occupational exposure to pesticides.
A committee approved the draft regulatory proposal last week. Once the European Commission approves, it is expected to take effect June 30, 2015.
Flood, tornado, hurricane, first aid, swimming safety – you'll want to download them all.
Safe Work Australia released its Occupational Disease Indicators, 2014 report this month, and it shows encouraging progress in several measures.
The July 15 meeting in Washington, D.C., will be available as a live webcast. A section of the bridge collapsed after a truck hauling an oversize load struck its superstructure last May.
The July Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine looked into the relationship between work failure and drinking.
The agency cites Sabina Farmers Exchange for exposing workers to grain bin entrapment.
The closure is one of number of actions detailed in an agency report released about the exposure of personnel at its Roybal Campus to potentially viable anthrax.
The agency has updated its demolition website, stocking it with more guidance and training documents, news releases, and links to industry organizations and federal agencies’ materials.
The company entered the consent decree due to its repeated failure to follow current good manufacturing practices, according to FDA.
Participation in the program is voluntary and intended for public-sector entities; labor organizations; academic institutions; federal, state, or local entities; and non-profit associations that align with the principles of a TWH approach.
The airline allegedly violated DOT drug and alcohol testing regulations.
The agency has released a Flood Resilience Checklist to help communities better prepare for, deal with, and recover from floods.
A no-fly zone is in place and restrictions on ship movements in the area are in place, but no beaches will be closed when the operation begins.
The citations come after two workers died in falls.
Cintas and Sqwincher want employees working in high-heat environments to enter. The deadline is Sept. 1.
MSHA has cited Rhino Eastern LLC's Eagle Mine 3, filing 38 violations.