The 2014 Site-Specific Targeting program ends in March of 2015, so right now OSHA Area Offices are working to finish all of the inspections on lists that were created early in the year, to satisfy quotas before the next SST program directive is issued.
The department announced that gas emergencies rose by 68 percent, while fires and fire deaths remain at historic lows.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson said this is the fifth judicial ruling agreeing with his January 2014 opinion that Initiative 502 does not override local governments' authority to regulate or ban marijuana businesses.
One suggestion is that NIOSH add another strategy encouraging research that helps employers determine how best to implement TWH organizationally.
It is based on the chocolate shop hostage incident in Sydney, Australia, on Dec. 15.
The host of this new virus, called Bourbon virus, is unknown at this time, but it is thought to be transmitted through the bites of ticks or other insects.
New data shows that drunk driving deaths declined by 2.5 percent in 2013.
The Scranton, Pa., company was cited for 14 safety violations.
The agency's recent report says one of every 13 drivers suffers a lost-time injury each year.
Timed for the holiday gift-giving season, "Know Before You Fly" seeks to promote safe, responsible flying of unmanned aircraft systems.
The Mass Human Chemical Decontamination Working Group (a federal interagency working group) developed the guidance with the advice of a larger group of federal and non-federal subject matter experts in emergency response, emergency medicine, toxicology, risk communication, behavioral health, and other relevant fields.
President Obama on Dec. 18 signed into law H.R. 4007, the "Protecting and Securing Chemical Facilities from Terrorist Attacks Act of 2014."
The Governors Highway Safety Association's member agencies are also stepping up their enforcement during the season. According to GHSA, more than 800 Americans die in crashes involving a drunk driver during the month of December.
Work at the scene has finished, ATF Special Agent in Charge Carlos A. Canino said, according to the Los Angeles Fire Department.
The fire occurred in the Thanksgiving Tower, a high-rise building in Dallas, Texas.
The penalties range from $54,000 to $91,000.
OSHA has cited the Jacksonville, Fla., company for one willful violation.