The most recent effort saw ARC install nearly 1,000 alarms in North Carolina homes in one day.
Lighting Services Inc. also submitted false records and attempted to obstruct investigators.
OSHA has released its findings from the October 2014 incident in which two workers died.
OSHA says Unicold Corp. put workers at risk in ‘death trap.’
The update is primarily for protecting healthcare and social service workers.
This is NIOSH's first time to issue recommendations on e-cigarettes; NIOSH recommends that they be included in indoor smoking bans.
Next Tuesday's World Health Day is focused on food safety.
The penalties add up to $328,550 in total.
The organization is launching a national campaign called #CallsKill.
Public Citizen and the Public Health Law Research Program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation created the free, publicly available database and unveiled it April 1.
An April 1 blog post by the agency's administrator, Pamela Hyde, featured it. The free app based on SAMHSA's Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T) card.
The FDA has urged the California seafood company to stop operations until they demonstrate they can process food in compliance with food safety laws and regulations.
The bulletin includes guidance on reducing the hazards for tobacco workers.
Many risky, splash-creating activities are conducted without the proper PPE because there is a lower perceived risk.
With 139,820 lost-time cases resulting from hand injuries in 2013 alone, according to BLS, this is one of the higher incidence rates among all injury types.
Low-level access lifts are ready to use when they arrive on site, meaning less setup time is needed to ensure a safe ascent.
Shining new light on LEL gas measurement for oil and gas and confined space entry applications.