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Sawmills are one of the industries with higher numbers or rates of amputations according to BLS data and on the OSHA NEP instruction

OSHA Updates Amputations National Emphasis Program

The document laying out the procedures for implement the program includes a list of industries with high numbers and rates of amputations, as reported to BLS. These range from machine shops to sawmills, retail and commercial bakeries, meat processing, and manufacturing various types of food.

'Outrageously Dangerous' Ohio Chicken Processor Cited

Case Farms Processing Inc. faces $861,500 in penalties and has been added to OSHA’s Severe Violator Enforcement Program.

$169 Million Available for 266 Community Health Centers

The money is available for the delivery of comprehensive primary health care services in communities that need them most.

Fatigue and Excessive Speed to Blame in Tracy Morgan Accident

The NTSB has determined that driver fatigue was the main factor in the crash between a Walmart truck and a limo transporting Tracy Morgan, who was seriously injured.

The July 2013 disaster killed 47 people and devastated the center of Lac Megatic, Quebec.

Clock Ticking for Comments on Railcar Securement Rule

"Requiring that an additional, trained individual double check that the handbrakes have been set on a train will help stop preventable accidents," said FRA Acting Administrator Sarah Feinberg.

MSHA Reforms Lead to Significant Improvements

Administrator Joseph A. Main has said that the reforms have been "real game changers."

Aug. 11, 2015 marked one full year since the last reported wild polio case in Africa, WHO announced.

WHO: No New Polio Cases in Africa for a Full Year

The continent appears to be on its way to becoming polio-free, according to the UN agency.

Michaels and OSHA Blast Illinois Construction Firm, Manager

"Kehrer Brothers Construction brought non-English-speaking workers to the U.S. and knowingly exposed them to asbestos," said Assistant Secretary Dr. David Michaels. "Kehrer also threatened to fire his employees if they spoke with our investigators. This is outrageous, illegal behavior. We at OSHA will do everything in our power to ensure this employer stops endangering his employees."

Steel Provider Repeatedly Exposes Workers to Fall and Chemical Hazards: OSHA

OSHA has cited Republic Steel for three repeat and eight serious violations.

Industrial Hygienists Sought for Board on Toxic Substances

Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez seeks nominees for service on an advisory board for the program that aids nuclear industry workers diagnosed with medical conditions as a result.

EASA Seeks Comments on European Drone Regulations

The EU agency is trying to find a method for controlling drones' risk to commercial aviation, privacy rights, and even general aviation.

New York City has ordered building owners with cooling towers to submit long-range plans for ensuring they are not contaminated with the legionella bacterium.

AIHA Releases New Legionella Guideline

The association announced it Aug. 10, the same day the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reported the outbreak in the Bronx has been contained.

NTSB Hails UPS Move on Collision Avoidance Technology

More than 2,600 new class 8 tractors the company is buying this year will be equipped with CAS, which NTSB has trumpeted as an important safety advancement.

Hazardous Location Ratings: Breaking Down the Facts

Sometimes electrical equipment must be installed in areas where combustible vapors and gases are used or may be present. These are commonly referred to as "hazardous locations" and are defined by the National Electrical Code (NEC) in the United States.

Australian Transport Safety Bureau Issues E-Cigarette Warning

"The passenger said that the safety switch on the e-cigarette was off. If the timing was even a little different, it could have resulted in a fire on board the aircraft during flight," according to the agency.

This NASA photo shows "Outredgeous" red romaine lettuce from the Veggie plant growth system on the International Space Station, which astronauts will sample for the first time Aug. 10, 2015.

ISS Crew Tasting Homegrown Greens Today

NASA announced they will eat half of a crop of "Outredgeous" red romaine lettuce that was grown in the Veggie plant growth system on the International Space Station.

Improving Heavy Equipment Safety and Efficiency with LEDs

Although most heavy equipment manufactured for industrial applications today is of exceptional quality and design, there are still common problems that arise due to the environments and situations in which it is operated. Most heavy equipment comes factory equipped with only the basic accessories and is primarily outfitted for operation in optimal conditions.


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