"This fund will ensure that 100 percent of all gifts goes directly to the families as they deal with the loss of a loved one. We continue to keep the families and loved ones of the crew of the El Faro in our thoughts and prayers," Anthony Chiarello, president and CEO of TOTE, said Oct. 9.
Endicott Clay Products has been cited for three serious safety violations.
The agreement commits all parties to developing and maintaining the SDS registry program for chemical hazard communication.
"While this report summarizes the research and data available, it also highlights how much remains unknown," said the report's author, Dr. Jim Hedlund. "For example, we still don't know with certainty how much of a specific drug will cause impairment or if such a relationship can even be defined. Many states do not have the data to measure their drug-impaired driving scope or characteristics."
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has presented these since 2009. The award's prize money is € 5,000, about $5,637, and the prize will be awarded at DOK Leipzig -- the 58th International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film.
Both Arthur Funk & Sons Inc. and Weaver Construction and Roofing Inc. were assessed willful violation by OSHA.
The association has submitted a letter of support for legislation H.R. 3384.
During the week, Sinclair stations will air fire preparedness stories and provide safety tips to its audience through social media and online. The company has 164 TV stations in 79 U.S. markets.
Robert Lytle of Rapid City, S.D., marketed the QLaser devices with labeling claims they could be used for treating conditions such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and diabetes. "Although two of the devices are cleared for providing temporary relief of pain associated with osteoarthritis of the hand, none of the devices have been cleared by the FDA or otherwise approved to treat any other medical conditions," according to DOJ.
OSHA has cited Apache Mills Inc. for nine safety violations.
Ambrosia Fragrance of Piscataway, N.J., has been fined more than $67,000 by the agency.
Storm and hurricane cleanup work may involve hazards related to restoring electricity, communications, and water and sewer services; and there are potential hazards in demolition activity; debris cleanup; tree trimming; structural, road, and bridge repair; hazardous waste operations; and emergency response activities.
Of all the tools professionals in the automotive service industry can take great pride in ownership of, the paint spray booth is perhaps one of the most coveted.
"MSHA's heightened vigilance during this period will focus additional resources on preventing accidents at both intermittent and full-time mining operations, and we will look hard for the conditions that have led to mining deaths," said Joe Main, assistant secretary of labor for mine safety and health.
Tri-State Roofing and Sheet Metal Co. has been issued one general duty clause citation and one serious citation.
OSHA issued eight serious citations to TIMET for the incident.
MSHA issued the rule because it determined miners are exposed to pinning, crushing, and struck-by hazards when working near mobile machines in underground coal mines.