Citi Bike riders have taken 10 million trips in 2015, shattering 2014's previous record of 8,092,952 trips, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced.
Prime Minister David Cameron announced a $59 million package that includes reimbursement for fire and rescue agencies.
The Puerto Rico Department of Health reported the first locally acquired case of Zika virus infection there on Dec. 31, a case where the virus was confirmed in a resident of Puerto Rico with no known travel history. Health officials in Puerto Rico are monitoring for other cases.
The GHS compliance date of Dec. 1, 2015, has passed. Are you in compliance?
In many cases, businesses can't prevent a lot of the disasters that may potentially strike, but there's little excuse not to be ready when they do.
Rewarding employees along the way to reaching their ultimate goal encourages long-term engagement.
One of the year's most significant enforcement developments occurred late in the year, in November: President Obama signed the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015.
Reading through the training requirements in OSHA’s construction standards highlights their common elements.
Assessing the credibility of a brand is just as important as looking at the durability of the product.
Employees should look professional in their work uniforms with clothing choices that offer the trifecta of good fit, good function, and that offer modern fashion so workers want to wear their FR clothing.
Is your emergency equipment up to the task?
In the oil & gas industry, the ability to move your workers around safely may be the most important commodity.
Footwear certified as meeting ASTM F2413-11 must first meet the requirements of impact resistance and compression resistance. Then the requirements of additional sections can be met.
End users and wearers of flame-resistant garments should research FR fabrics and manufacturers to make sure they specify those fabrics from reputable suppliers that will meet their unique needs.
"MSHA has been working hard to address the lessons learned from Sago and other mining tragedies to ensure that all miners can put in their shift and return home to their loved ones safe and healthy. We will never forget our fallen miners and, on this 10th anniversary of the Sago mine disaster, we pledge our continued efforts to eliminate these needless tragedies," Assistant Secretary Joseph A. Main said in a statement.
The minimums in Massachusetts and California will be $10 per hour. Thanks to an executive order, the minimum wage for workers on federal service contracts also is rising in January 2016 to $10.15 per hour.
All Christmas trees can burn, but dry ones can be engulfed by flames significantly more quickly.