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UL Certification Available for Hoverboards

The new UL 2272 provides a framework to evaluate, test, and certify self-balancing scooters, the company announced Feb. 2.

HHS is creating the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee this year as it plans for the 2018 publication of the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

Physical Activity Guidelines Committee Nominations Due Feb. 5

An HHS advisory committee is being formed as part of the planning for the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans to be released in 2018.

Dallas Health Department Confirms Sexually Transmitted Zika Case

"Now that we know Zika virus can be transmitted through sex, this increases our awareness campaign in educating the public about protecting themselves and others," said Zachary Thompson, the department's director.

Fatigue, High Workload Cited in ATSB Investigative Report

A network control officer intervened to prevent a collision when an operator drove an empty Sydney Trains passenger train in the wrong direction in March 2015.

NIOSH Study Pinpoints Industries with Hearing Problems

NIOSH reports that hazardous noise affects approximately 22 million U.S. workers. This study is the first to report prevalence estimates for tinnitus by U.S. industry sector and occupation and provide these estimates side by side with prevalence estimates of hearing difficulty, according to the agency.

Auto Parts Manufacturer Cited for Exposing Workers to Amputation Hazards

The manufacturer supplies auto parts to Kia and Hyundai.

NIOSH Research Shows Coffee Workers May Be at Risk for Lung Disease

Lung disease may develop for those working in coffee processing facilities.

Three things workers and safety managers should do to prevent injuries are to know the eye safety hazards at work by completing a hazard assessment, eliminating the hazards through engineering controls before starting work, and wearing appropriate vision protection.

Keys to Preventing Eye Injuries

Prevent Blindness America reports that 90 percent of the more than 2,000 eye injuries occurring each day are preventable through the use of protective safety eyewear.

With the passage of S.B. 658, an informed plaintiff’s attorney will be able to lodge a very credible argument that the onus placed upon AED owners to qualify for Good Samaritan protection is no longer significant.

New California AED Laws: Bull Rush From the Bear State?

With the passage of S.B. 658, an informed plaintiff’s attorney will be able to lodge a very credible argument that the onus placed upon AED owners to qualify for Good Samaritan protection is no longer significant.

New Orleans EMS Ready for Mardi Gras 2016

Volunteers from the New Orleans Health Department's Medical Reserve Corps and the American Red Cross will be manning first aid stations with assistance from New Orleans Emergency Medical Services personnel during both weekends of the 2016 Carnival Season in New Orleans.

Hand washing alone is not enough. To keep hands strong and healthy, employees should use protect and restore creams before and after working.

Help Protect Hard-Working Hands from Occupational Skin Disorders

Just one case of occupational dermatitis can cost an employer approximately $3,500 in workers' compensation claims and an average disability of 23.9 days, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association.

There is great potential to decrease injuries with the use of these new technologies, especially musculoskeletal disorders and repetitive task-related injuries. (Gorbel Inc. photo)

Utilizing Technology in Manual Material Handling and Safe Lifting

Industrial use of exoskeletons is just starting to be explored.

The bags make air grab sampling easy and efficient. (Nextteq photo)

Whole Air Sampling: No Pump, No Problem

Traditional grab sampling methods require supplementary devices such as electric pumps, batteries, charging devices, calibrators, tubing, connectors, and auxiliary equipment.

Double flange shaft covers mount at both flanged ends, providing additional stability.

Solving a Tough Guarding Challenge

The guard would have to be manufactured from a material that could withstand a catastrophic electric or fire event so that the smoke from the guard would not damage the electrical equipment in the building.

The 4-Letter Word That Should Guide Your Safety Efforts

That word is OSHA. (Yes, technically, it’s an acronym, but stick with me here.)

NFPA 70E-2015 specifically defines ear canal inserts (ear plugs) as the required protection in all arc flash zones.

Get Acquainted With EU Safety Glove Standards

The classification of a glove in a particular test is usually defined as one of a series of performance levels. It is left to the user, following a suitable risk assessment exercise, to select a glove with a suitable profile.

The impairment argument is incredibly complex. Many employers use the term in workplace drug and alcohol policies but this may not be the most prudent choice as marijuana impairment cannot necessarily be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Trends in Marijuana Legalization: A Wake-Up Call for Employers

Weakening or removing employers’ rights for a safe and drug free workplace ultimately threatens all of us.


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