"A year after the Mount Carbon [West Virginia] crude oil train fire, residents there know that they narrowly escaped their town becoming the American Lac-Mégantic – an outcome of a fiery derailment that could still happen at any moment," he wrote Feb. 18.
"For your networking in IOSH to make a real difference in workplaces, it requires each of you to go back and share that learning with your colleagues and to discuss how good ideas might be translated or built upon to work for you," Judith Hackitt said Feb. 18 at the inaugural meeting of the IOSH Staffordshire Branch.
Adam Steltzner is the team leader and chief engineer of the NASA Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover Project entry, descent, and landing phase.
The agency has ordered a California-licensed driver not to operate any commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce.
EPA reported it is expanding its initiative focused on reducing toxic air pollution by adding large storage tanks and hazardous waste facilities to its work to address public health threats.
The Step-Up through the end of March aims to protect workers at oil and gas exploration sites.
The award is part of the agency's campaign to reduce fatalities at railroad crossings.
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration awarded Phase I funding of $150,000 in June 2011 that allowed for a proof of concept to be developed, and Generation 2 Materials Technology LLC was chosen for a Phase II award of $1 million in 2012.
Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez has appointed 15 members to Maritime Advisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health and also has appointed a special agency liaison to the committee. The special agency liaison is Leonard Howie, director of the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs.
A preliminary National Safety Council estimate shows an 8 percent increase year-over-year.
The Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Amendment Bill passed shortly before 3 a.m. Feb. 18, "the time pubs and clubs will be forced to kick out patrons under the new legislation," Brisbane's Courier-Mail newspaper pointed out.
Kalamazoo, Mich.-based Stryker Corporation has agreed to acquire 100 percent of the stock of Redmond, Wash.-based Physio-Control International, Inc. in an all-cash transaction.
DOT has launched a process to award new flights, and the airlines are lining up to apply.
OSHA and other federal agencies will participate in the weeklong initiative.
WHO said $56 million is required to implement the framework and plan, which cover January-June 2016.
OSHA is particularly keen to reduce worker exposures to electrical shock, electrocution, falls from elevation, and being struck by moving equipment through the latest alliance renewal.
The conference will feature training on how to manage hazards associated with ammonia; dairy and livestock safety; tractor/ATV safety; and potential health hazards in agriculture.