The agency's Weather-Ready Nation website has preparedness information for whatever the season may throw at you, from heat to floods and lightning.
The agency says comprehensive training will emphasize safety and driving efficiency as well as other key factors.
The document is intended to help manufacturers, importers and other employers.
The DOT says C.A.T. Labor Services violated federal laws.
Protecting employees from motor vehicles crashes could be a profitable investment for U.S. businesses, according to a new report from the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety.
"Developing, building, and flight testing a quiet supersonic X-plane is the next logical step in our path to enabling the industry's decision to open supersonic travel for the flying public," said Jaiwon Shin, associate administrator for NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission.
OSHA has issued 15 citations to R&B Contractors for safety lapses.
A recent surge in FR lab coat usage has led to an increase in FR options for lab workers.
An overwhelming body of documented evidence suggests that the current PEL should be lowered to 85 dBA and the exchange rate be lowered to 3 dB.
Accidents happen, but taking proactive steps ahead of an accident ensures your facility is prepared and reduces the chances of a larger incident from occurring.
Whether purchased by individuals, supplied by the company, or leased through a laundry service, FR clothing arrives for wear.
A centralized lockout station prevents confusion and clutter. Maximizing space, in addition to streamlining operations, also helps to make a facility safer.
Knowing which drivers commit unsafe behaviors the most or least allows a manager to reward and reinforce safe driving habits, provide additional training on safe driving, and coach drivers to safer driving habits.
If you expect your workers to use firefighting equipment, you should give them appropriate equipment and train them annually to use the equipment safely.
More than 3.5 million inspections of commercial vehicles take place annually in the United States. These roadside checks have saved 7,000 lives since 2001, according to DOT.
A major issue with conducting pre-announced fire drills is that employees know the drills are not a real emergency alert and therefore, have no sense of urgency.
The use of HVLS fans has gained increased attention as a practical, affordable solution to improving air movement, reducing heat stress, and creating overall better environmental control.