Gains were shown in nearly every state, according to a FHWA report.
The August 2014 collision of two Union Pacific Railroad freight trains in Hoxie, Ark., prompted the safety board to issue urgent safety recommendations to help ensure that electronic alertness devices ("alerters") work as intended on trains.
It is a good idea to check for leaks before there is snow and ice but, remember, water expands when it freezes and there is a chance of bursts once the winter season has come in. If there are areas with leaks, try to fix them as soon as possible.
The willful violations relate to the employer's failure to have an implemented, written bloodborne pathogens exposure control plan, including performing an exposure determination and offering exposed employees the Hepatitis B vaccine.
The recommended practices are flexible and can be adjusted to fit small and large construction companies handling short-term or multi-year projects, according to OSHA.
"Open use of marijuana, through legalization, will reveal the wide range of marijuana's benefits and threats to human health. This study indicates troubling effects on the hippocampus that may be the harbingers of brain damage," said Dr. George Perry, editor in chief of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.
The database will service as a repository for records of violations.
Olivier Rochette was struck by a lift and died from his injuries.
According to L&I, as of Nov. 29, more than 4,500 employers had used the program to offer light-duty jobs to help thousands of workers return to work as part of their recovery from a workplace injury or illness.
Donald Trump has bigger priorities than OSHA when he takes office in January 2017, but he has promised to reverse some of its 2016 actions.
A ceremony in Chernobyl on Nov. 29 marked the successful conclusion of the sliding operation, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development announced.
One of the biggest mistakes made in the workplace is in believing that, because a garment is flame resistant, it must be safe for all hazards. This simply is not the case.
The U.S.-flagged cargo ship sank in October 2015 during Hurricane Joaquin, with the loss of all 33 crew members on board.
OH&S congratulated winners of the eighth annual contest during the 2016 National Safety Congress & Expo.
Doing your homework on the manufacturer you choose is of paramount importance.
By offering eyewear that is best suited to workers' safety needs first, followed closely by style, employers support a stronger culture of acceptance and compliance.
What challenges have you faced when selecting the best chemical protective clothing for your work environment?