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Study Finds Lower Blood Flow to Brain in Marijuana Users

"Open use of marijuana, through legalization, will reveal the wide range of marijuana's benefits and threats to human health. This study indicates troubling effects on the hippocampus that may be the harbingers of brain damage," said Dr. George Perry, editor in chief of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

FMCSA Final Rule Establishes Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse for Commercial Truck and Bus Drivers

The database will service as a repository for records of violations.

Cirque Du Soleil Co-founder's Son Dies in Accident Before Show

Olivier Rochette was struck by a lift and died from his injuries.

Washington L&I Light Duty Program Tops 20,000

According to L&I, as of Nov. 29, more than 4,500 employers had used the program to offer light-duty jobs to help thousands of workers return to work as part of their recovery from a workplace injury or illness.

The Fisher Phillips forecast predicts President Trump probably will undo the controversial OSHA electronic reporting rule that isscheduled to take effect on Jan. 1, 2017.

What's Ahead for Safety and Health in 2017?

Donald Trump has bigger priorities than OSHA when he takes office in January 2017, but he has promised to reverse some of its 2016 actions.

Chernobyl Reactor Shield's Move Completed

A ceremony in Chernobyl on Nov. 29 marked the successful conclusion of the sliding operation, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development announced.

Assess your workplace environment and identify which momentary thermal hazards exist. Remember, it is very possible to have multiple thermal hazards. (Justin FR photo)

Not All Momentary Thermal Hazards Are Equal

One of the biggest mistakes made in the workplace is in believing that, because a garment is flame resistant, it must be safe for all hazards. This simply is not the case.

NTSB Opening El Faro Docket Dec. 13

The U.S.-flagged cargo ship sank in October 2015 during Hurricane Joaquin, with the loss of all 33 crew members on board.

2016 NPOY Contest Winners Honored

OH&S congratulated winners of the eighth annual contest during the 2016 National Safety Congress & Expo.

Always make sure your selection of eyewear meets the ANSI Z87.1+ Standard. (Radians photo)

A Common-Sense Approach to Your Protective Eyewear Selection

Doing your homework on the manufacturer you choose is of paramount importance.

By offering eyewear that is best suited to workers

Look Beyond Basic Protection: Vital Considerations in Safety Eyewear

By offering eyewear that is best suited to workers' safety needs first, followed closely by style, employers support a stronger culture of acceptance and compliance.

Protective garments should be made from materials that are flexible enough for the wearer to move and work in the safest ways possible. (Lakeland Industries photo)

Five Important Features of PPE for Chemical and Biological Hazard Protection

What challenges have you faced when selecting the best chemical protective clothing for your work environment?

Safety methodologies similar to those used with other robotic applications need to be devised and implemented, referencing the new RIA and EN ISO standards while adopting a more sophisticated approach. (Rite-Hite Machine Guarding photo)

Protecting Workers from Automated Machine Operations

Plan ahead by providing proper machine guarding equipment sooner rather than later; if not to prepare for future regulations, do it to keep employees safe.

Similar to the Toyota Production System, we must all strive to eliminate waste (in our case, lost productivity from job hazard injuries) from our organizations.

Combining Safety Job Hazard Analysis & Lean Six Sigma to Improve Machine Guarding

Similar to the Toyota Production System, we must all strive to eliminate waste (in our case, lost productivity from job hazard injuries) from our organizations.

FDA Finalizes New Import Data Requirements

The Automated Commercial Environment system "serves to protect public health by allowing FDA to focus its limited resources on those FDA-regulated products being offered for import that may be associated with a greater public health risk," wrote Howard Sklamberg, J.D., deputy commissioner for Global Regulatory Operations and Policy.

Avoid Toxic Gas Exposures

Two 2016 OSHA enforcement cases are object lessons in the importance of using the latest gas monitoring technology to protect workers.

Positive Train Control Implementation Data Shows Uneven Progress

Positive Train Control Implementation Data Shows Uneven Progress: FRA

Third quarter 2016 data showed freight railroads now have PTC active on 12 percent of tracks, an increase from 9 percent last quarter. Passenger railroads increased by one percentage point to 23 percent, with progress seen mostly on the West Coast.


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