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Ambulance bills in general can often top $600 or $800 or more, and most ambulance services tack on an "emergency response charge" that tops $300 on average.

When an Employee Says No

Proper documentation is needed to protect your organization from liability when an employee refuses emergency medical care during work related and non-work related illness and injury.

A Proposed Solution to the High Cost of Opioid Abuse

Through collaboration, safety professionals and physical therapists can achieve optimal results with both prevention and post-injury management.

Properly designed programs are those that improve employee engagement as a precursor to a final goal (in this case safety), and when structured correctly, they produce remarkable results.

The Incentive Starting Line: Where to Start When Designing Your New Safety Incentive Program

Incentives excel at motivating important behaviors. Incentives also motivate people to go above and beyond their job requirements.

Without proper foot support and cushioning you can endure tremendous strain on your muscles; the proper footwear and insoles can help to alleviate this strain. (MEGAComfort photo)

Taking Strides Toward Safety

You can use 100 percent dual layer memory foam insoles to alleviate pain and fatigue. Utilizing insoles in your shoes also prolongs the life of protective footwear.

Health effects of breathing welding fumes include eye, nose, and throat irritation; possible lung damage; various types of cancer; kidney and nervous system damage; and suffocation when oxygen-displacing gases are involved in welding in confined or enclosed spaces.

Welding Safety Best Practices

Welders must be protected from electric shock, welding fumes, fire, and injuries that can be caused by insufficient PPE.

Modern single use gloves incorporate a wide range of job-matched performance technologies. (SW Safety Solutions Inc. photo)

Understanding the Modern Single Use Glove

Glove construction now takes into account long-term usability to reduce finger fatigue, chronic skin conditions, and more troublesome musculoskeletal disorders.

Corporate Risk and the Growing Case for Sustainable Chemical Management

Corporate Risk and the Growing Case for Sustainable Chemical Management

Being responsible for the impact of a chemical disaster—on staff, local communities, the environment, and the local economy—is every CEO's nightmare.

Oregon Building with High Lead Levels Closed for Cleanup

Many of the wipe samples collected in the multi-use building in Salem had lead levels of many thousands of micrograms per square foot. One sample taken from the brewery floor was measured at 2,115.45 micrograms per square foot, and a windowsill in the brewery was measured at 6,127.44 micrograms per square foot.

Drug Testing Rule for UI Programs Reversed

"The Department of Labor supports the president's nullification and looks forward to examining additional flexibilities for states relative to the drug testing of persons seeking unemployment benefits," said Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Ed Hugler.

Northeast Waters Still Cold, Coast Guard Warns

Recreational boating deaths involving paddlecraft more than doubled in Northeast waters during 2016, according to the U.S. Coast Guard.

ASSE Touts Successful Nigeria Safety Summit

The summit was held March 21-25 and included sessions from ASSE President Tom Cecich.

Antimicrobial Resistance Diagnostic Challenge Semifinalists Announced

Although they will receive $50,000 each to develop their concepts into prototypes, anyone can submit a prototype to compete in the second phase of the challenge to win up to $100,000.

FAA and Brazil Strengthen Relationship

The bilateral cooperation focuses on airport expansion, airspace, management, aviation safety, and security.

NTSB Determines Cause of Fatal Helicopter Crash in Colorado

A preflight system check and lack of an indication in the cockpit could have potentially prevented the incident, according to the board.

David Michaels, NAEM Executive Director Speaking at UL EHSS Forum

"Dr. Michaels is widely regarded as a pivotal business leader in this space over the last eight years, and this is an unprecedented opportunity to get his insight into where U.S. EHS and sustainability programs are headed," said Mark Ward, general manager at UL EHS Sustainability.

High School Students Compete in Offshore Technology Challenge

The competition is related to offshore energy exploration and development.

National Detector Dog Trials Set for April 2-5

The competition in Raleigh will feature dogs from local, state, and national law enforcement agencies, the military, and corrections departments.


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