Documented instances where emergency medical services personnel used Naloxone to treat suspected overdoses also rose from 997 events during 2011 to 3,393 events during 2016, while potentially related new cases of hepatitis C have increased 80 percent, the report says.
Many OSHA standards require that an NRTL test and certify certain types of equipment as safe for use in workplaces. They are independent laboratories that meet OSHA's requirements for performing safety testing and certification of products.
The restrictions are taking effect April 14, 2017. There are only a few exceptions that permit drone flights within these restrictions and they must be coordinated with the individual facility and/or the FAA, according to the agency's announcement.
"Coastal residents are reminded," Colorado State University Department of Atmospheric Science Research Scientist Philip J. Klotzbach and Associate Professor Michael M. Bell wrote, "that it only takes one hurricane making landfall to make it an active season for them, and they need to prepare the same for every season, regardless of how much activity is predicted."
"The public plays an essential role in the fight to contain and eradicate diseases like Ebola, Zika, and influenza," said CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. "The situation is urgent, but information can help make us less vulnerable."
Both the U.S. Department of Transportation and the National Transportation Safety Board have just celebrated their 50th anniversaries.
The city's mayor wants Congress to reform FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program.
The first phase of the 20-mile light rail system may open in late 2020, and the entire system is scheduled to be fully operational in 2025.
Five teams have competed in the ARGOS Challenge for the past three years to design the world's first autonomous oil and gas surface robot, with the winner to be chosen May 11.
The online tool allows mining companies to calculate the cost of injury claims and see how they could profitably spend the savings they'd realize from preventing injuries.
The IAEA International Conference on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities will be held Nov. 13-17, 2017, in Vienna, Austria.
The foundation awarded $281,750 in scholarships to 90 students pursuing OSH degrees at 48 universities plus $21,915 in professional education grants to 26 ASSE members seeking to further their safety credentials.
The first week of April was again designated National Asbestos Awareness Week by a resolution passed in the U.S. Senate.
The ceremony at the Smith County Welcome Center on I-40 in Carthage, Tenn., included the unveiling of J.R. Rogers' name on the TDOT monument. Rogers, a HELP truck operator in Nashville, died in December 2016 after being struck by a vehicle on I-40.
The new members will be inducted June 7 at the Annual Business Meeting during the 2017 AIHce EXP.
This may be the third recently confirmed case. The chance of being exposed to hantavirus is greatest when people work, play, or live in closed spaces where rodents are actively living.
The bank has been ordered to fully restore the former manager's lost earnings in the banking industry. Wells Fargo plans to appeal.