Staffers from the agency's division of Coal Mine Safety and Health and training specialists from Educational Field and Small Mine Services will visit coal mines to review approved training plans and talk with and observe miners with one year or less experience at the mine and miners with one year or less experience performing their current job.
The company's board of directors has named CEO DG Macpherson to assume the additional role of chairman of the board effective Oct. 1, 2017.
It is a cash and stock transaction with an enterprise value of approximately $3.27 billion, including approximately $416 million of CH2M net debt, the companies announced Aug. 2.
Flight traffic in July 2017 was up about 5 percent from 2016. July 2017's millionth flight milestone was passed on July 30.
DOJ and EPA announced the settlement this week of claims that the company violated Clean Air Act provisions intended to prevent accidental releases of chemicals.
"Our goal is to ensure citizens are safe while traveling on our freeways," said Arlington Police Chief Will Johnson. "There is absolutely no reason why someone should engage in aggressive driving behaviors that can lead to violence resulting in unnecessary injuries or even death."
Issues were identified at the Watts Bar plant, but TVA has agreed to implement actions at its Browns Ferry and Sequoyah nuclear plants and in its corporate offices.
Michigan State University is getting $3.2 million to establish a registry of Flint, Mich., residents who were exposed to lead-contaminated water from the Flint water system during 2014-2015. The money is the first installment of a four-year, $14.4 million grant.
OSHA recommends basing a lab's control strategies on the hierarchy of controls.
OSHA tells you what to do; NFPA 350 tells you how to do it by providing supporting information on how to identify hazards, perform gas monitoring, control hazards, and ventilate.
Just as the medieval knights required task-specific protection, today's worker is more of an industrial athlete requiring gear to enhance performance.
The NSC Congress & Expo is sure to be a week full of education and innovation in the safety and health market, so be ready to start your engines come September.
Here's how you can safely increase comfort and compliance and reduce complaints.
Scheduled witnesses in the committee’s 2:30 p.m. hearing include nominees for surgeon general and some top HHS positions.
The Z244.1-2016 standard attempts to help employers and safety managers prevent both violations and worker exposures to hazardous energy.
Use these tips for selecting the best protection for those in your laboratory.
The board of directors at Santee Cooper on July 31 suspended construction work on Units 2 and 3 at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Station in Jenkinsville, S.C. -- a decision the company reports will save is customers nearly $7 billion.