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OSHA Seeks Comments on VPP Information Collection

The Federal Register notice about the request details the history of OSHA's VPP -- in the spotlight recently because OSHA has held two meetings to discuss how it can strengthen its VPP program and also because the Voluntary Protection Programs Participants' Association held its 2017 national conference last week.

GM Announces Next Phase for Design Unit

The 360,000-square-foot expansion of the GM Design studios in Warren, Micn., is the final stage of a $1 billion investment in GM's Global Technical Center, which is a National Historic Landmark site.

Report Says South's Construction Boom Costly to Workers

The report points out that workplace injuries are common among these workers, fewer than half are offered medical insurance by their employers, and more than half earn less than $15 an hour despite having on average high levels of experience in the industry.

OSH Pros' Feedback Sought on Corporate Sustainability Standard

"The GRI 403 standard provides a lever for change in corporate reporting practices on OHS globally," said Kathy A. Seabrook, chair of the CSHS Board of Directors. "Safety and health professionals need to step up, participate, and influence the final standard through this public consultation period. It's a significant development in our profession."

MEGAComfort Adds Team Category to Hardest Worker Contest

"Walking a mile in the shoes of a hard worker is no easy task," said Dr. Kevan Orvitz, Podiatrist and Tustin, Calif.-based MEGAComfort's founder. "We created this contest to honor the nation's hardest workers that represent the essence of the Labor Day holiday and to highlight the importance of worker appreciation.

The chemical industry needs methods that take into account that chemical plants are increasingly part of clusters of such plants.

Rethinking Chemical Security Risks

There is a need for a value-driven security risk assessment in chemical clusters.

Whether you are a Millennial, a Gen-Xer, or a Baby Boomer, all workers need to be aware of the dangers of hearing loss. (Radians photo)

The Millennial Generation: Wired for Sound and At Risk for Hearing Loss

Sound-level meter apps available for smart phones "can have a tremendous and far-reaching impact in the area of noise control," says the CDC.

CDC Launches Sepsis Campaign

"Detecting sepsis early and starting immediate treatment is often the difference between life and death. It starts with preventing the infections that lead to sepsis," said CDC Director Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, M.D. "We created Get Ahead of Sepsis to give people the resources they need to help stop this medical emergency in its tracks."

Drivers cannot be caught in the middle of a service crisis and a safety value dilemma. There are likely many policies and procedures in place that need a slight adaptation to the inflexible reality of electronic logging. (J.J. Keller & Associates Inc. photo)

Will Electronic Logs Change Your Safety Culture?

Follow these five steps to prepare for the collision of culture and technology.

Standing all day isn

Workplace Wellness: The Role of Ergonomics and Movement

By incorporating movement into the work day, employees can also reduce their risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

Employees demonstrated a surprising false sense of security: Despite the reported lack of training, employees believe they or someone in the workplace will know how to perform CPR+AED or first aid in the event of an emergency.

Employees Unprepared for Cardiac Emergencies at Work

More than half—56 percent of respondents in a new AHA-commissioned survey—said that they do not know the location of the AED in their workplace.

No ethical incentive provider would create a program to discourage reporting—tracking safety issues is an integral part of making a workplace safer!

Safety Incentives: It's a Small World, After All

No ethical incentive provider would create a program to discourage reporting—tracking safety issues is an integral part of making a workplace safer!

Thanks to the broader band noise reduction offered in the ear canal, the active portion adds more than three times the allowable ambient noise exposure time compared to double hearing protection.

New ANR Technology in Triple Hearing Protection Safely Extends Work Time

There is a certain class of occupational environments where engineering controls are not feasible and double hearing protection is inadequate.

The 15/60 rule ensures no product or materials necessary to perform a manufacturing job require an employee to reach down below 15 inches or above 60 inches. (JLG Industries, Inc. photo)

Making Safety Part of a Company's DNA

A comprehensive safety analysis should not be limited to the facility. It should also include a review of all tasks and processes, giving priority to high-risk areas.

The Indiana Convention Center is across the street from Lucas Oil Stadium. (Photo Courtesy of Lavengood Photography)

Safety Shines Brightly in Indy This Month

There will be plenty to learn and do at the NSC Congress & Expo in downtown Indianapolis.

A good improvement creates a win-win situation: better for the employee and better for production.

Engaging Our Mature Workers for Better Sustainability, Safety, and Efficiency

Prioritization of tasks and planning the work are the keys to keeping the momentum of the team.

The impairment argument is incredibly complex. Many employers use the term in workplace drug and alcohol policies but this may not be the most prudent choice as marijuana impairment cannot necessarily be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Get Out Your Checkbook: What Legalized Marijuana is Going to Cost

With such overwhelming support, one could assume that legalization has clear benefits for everyone. That assumption is not only costly, it could prove to be dead wrong.


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