The awards were presented Oct. 11 at a meeting that brought together maritime companies in the private sector and law enforcement agencies from the New York and New Jersey area to discuss actions taken to mitigate current maritime threats.
"In order for us to ensure protection for workers, it is imperative that all organizations with shared interests work together. We must pool our resources – people, power, knowledge, and skills – to present a united front against threats to worker health and safety and to promote the field of industrial hygiene," said AIHA President Deborah Imel Nelson.
Attendees of the Nov. 8 event in Washington, D.C., can meet leaders and staff from the Solicitor's Divisions of Occupational and Mine Safety and Health, OSHA, MSHA, and the Occupational and Mine Safety and Health Review Commissions.
"The successful deployment of self-driving vehicles will be highly dependent on the availability of LIDAR sensors," said Julie Schoenfeld, founder and CEO of Strobe, Inc. "Strobe's deep engineering talent and technology, backed by numerous patents, will play a significant role in helping GM and Cruise bring these vehicles to market sooner than many think."
The center operates from a 15-acre facility outside Washington D.C., and assists IAFF members who are struggling to cope with the stress and trauma that accumulates over the course of their career.
The medicines are being distributed to health facilities and mobile health clinics across the country, and WHO is also filling critical shortages in disinfection materials and PPE for health professionals and safe burials.
The converters' front outlet prongs are not configured correctly, resulting in reverse polarity when plugs are inserted and posing shock and fire hazards, the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced Oct. 10.
A proposed rule could be adopted later this year and allow billboards 85 feet tall in the state.
"We are now able to resume regular enforcement operations in most of the impacted areas," said OSHA Region VI Administrator Kelly Knighton. "For those areas most heavily impacted by Hurricane Harvey, we will continue to provide employers and workers with compliance assistance and outreach.
Under the new model, NOLABA will be responsible for providing a single point of entry for business attraction, retention, and workforce development in New Orleans and also for establishing a "place-based economic development strategy" by promoting high-impact neighborhoods.
The Oct. 23, 2016, collision on Interstate 10 near Palm Springs, Calif., occurred around 5:17 a.m. and killed 13 people, including the bus driver.
Set to start at 10:19 a.m. on Oct. 19, the drill calls for participants to "Drop, Cover and Hold On" and also discuss their disaster plans.
IAEA says the new building will become the new home of three laboratories dealing with animal production and health, food safety, soil and water management, and crop nutrition.
The states expect to release their RFP within two weeks, or by around Oct. 11, and close it approximately five weeks later. There will then be a period of evaluation and possible selection of one or more vendors to advance to the next phase of the process.
New research from McKinsey & Company, "Human + Machine: A new era of automation in manufacturing," examines new technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence and finds they are opening a new era in automation for manufacturers in which humans and machines will increasingly work side by side.
NRC said on Sept. 24 during routine testing, the unit's high-pressure coolant injection system unexpectedly pumped water into the reactor vessel instead of a storage tank, and TVA later determined that a failed nut on a valve allowed it to remain partially open.
The company on Sept. 27 announced the new approach, and it held a Wellbeing + Wanderlust @Ford event on Sept. 29 in Dearborn that the company said was intended to jump-start employees' interest in their overall health.