The International Brotherhood of Teamsters' National Negotiating Committee submitted to UPS an 83-page document updating the prior agreement. In addition to the ban on drones and driverless vehicles, the union seeks the hiring of another 10,000 workers and halting deliveries after 9 p.m., including during the peak-delivery holiday season.
The explosion and fire occurred in Mead in May 2017 as employees were merging two tank batteries into a single tank battery operated by Anadarko Petroleum Corporation. OSHA inspectors found that flammable vapors or gases ignited as employees worked near pipes connected to a crude oil tank.
The draft says suggested areas on which to focus research include same-level falls for food service workers; fatal injuries among installation, maintenance, and repair occupations; and motor vehicle injuries, falls, and struck by or against injuries among waste collection workers.
The California Department of Water Resources is submitting the $870 million costs to FEMA, which reimburses up to 75 percent of the requested costs for a federal emergency.
Gov. Jay Inslee's letter said several issues compelled his decision, including seismic risks at the site that "present an unacceptable and potentially catastrophic risk to the public," the inability to sufficiently mitigate oil spill risks into the Columbia River or the Pacific Ocean, and the potential safety risks of a fire or explosion.
The skipper of a recreational boat that collided with a rocky outcrop in the Coromandel in New Zealand last January has been ordered by Maritime New Zealand to pay a total of almost $130,000 in reparations to three victims on board.
The sale of these unapproved products with claims about treating opioid addiction and withdrawal violates the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and these unsubstantiated therapeutic claims violate the Federal Trade Commission Act against deceptive advertising.
"This is going to make a huge, huge difference in stroke care," said Dr. William J. Powers, guidelines writing group chair and chair of neurology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill.
U.S. DOT, along with other federal agencies, recently released a semiannual Agenda of rulemaking activities, many of which will impact hazardous materials professionals in 2018. The five rulemakings, in progress now, are all scheduled to be published as final rules before Fall 2018.
Hosein Mohimani, assistant professor in Carnegie Mellon University's Computational Biology Department, said the research found "that the antibiotics produced by microbes are much more diverse than had been assumed." The results can aid the fight against antibiotic resistance.
The center's report says Harvey's flooding was catastrophic over a large area of southeastern Texas, flooding more than 300,000 structures and up to 500,000 cars. About 336,000 customers lost power during the hurricane, and an estimated 40,000 flood victims were evacuated or took refuge in Texas and Louisiana shelters.
Negotiations begin next month, and union leaders will also bring a request for panic buttons on behalf of the more than 14,000 housekeepers working on the Strip and in Vegas' downtown area. The goal of the wireless devices, which alert managers if workers are attacked, is to prevent sexual assault.
"Our goal is to make Ohio the premier destination for researchers, developers, and manufacturers to test, build, and deploy advanced mobility solutions that will make our roads safer and less congested," Ohio Gov. John R. Kasich said.
The plan outlines how the agency will implement key aspects of the Drug Quality and Security Act and other provisions of the 2013 law relevant to compounders.
"Louisiana has more opioid prescriptions than we have people, and the widespread distribution of naloxone is a key component of our strategy to combat the opioid epidemic and save lives," said Dr. Rebekah Gee, secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health.
Steve Kreins now directs Oregon Operation Lifesaver as state coordinator; Brock Kerchner is the new Pennsylvania Operation Lifesaver state coordinator; and Jessica Devorsky starts Feb. 1 as state coordinator for Texas Operation Lifesaver.
Implementing them remains challenging for many hospitals, according to the commission.