The governor and legislative leaders are partnering on solutions this year that will make California more resilient against the impacts of natural disasters and climate change.
New members Jack Poole of Poole Fire Protection Inc. and Rodger Reiswig of Johnson Controls are serving three-year terms effective Jan. 1, 2018.
Dr. Vinayak Prasad, who leads WHO's Tobacco Free Initiative, said the failure to regulate "represents a missed opportunity as tobacco product regulation, in the context of comprehensive control, is a valuable tool that complements other tried and tested tobacco control interventions, such as raising taxes and ensuring smoke-free environments."
Honolulu Fire Department personnel have been called out 59 times to the top rescue location, Diamond Head Crater, during the past year.
Each year, the department presents awards to domestic wastewater and drinking water facilities around the state that demonstrate excellence in operation, maintenance, innovative treatment, waste reduction, pollution prevention, recycling, or other achievements.
"We are pleased to partner with the worldwide leader in electronic testing and imaging tools to offer our customers new products that improve safety and efficiency in the workplace," said Jason Wright, rental sales manager.
The investigation was part of OSHA's National Emphasis Program on Trenching and Excavation, and Jax Utilities Management Inc. has been placed in OSHA's Severe Violator Enforcement Program.
According to NSC's new report, "Tired at Work: How fatigue affects our bodies," certain workers always have an increased risk for circadian misalignment, which occurs when we force ourselves to stay awake at hours when our bodies believe we should ordinarily be asleep.
The company welcomes submissions for the 2019 Wall of Honor at the website.
The campaign will address dangerous substances that can cause chronic or acute illness, such as respiratory diseases, cancer, mesothelioma, poisoning, skin diseases, reproductive problems and birth defects, and allergies.
Cal/OSHA cited Alhambra Foundry for similar violations eight years ago.
Assistant Secretary David G. Zatezalo writes that MSHA will increase its efforts to collect unpaid fines. Since the Scofflaw Program began in 2007, about $67 million in delinquent penalties have accrued, yet MSHA has issued only 16 citations since 2007 for failure to pay final penalties and only five orders requiring a mine to shut down operations while continuing to pay miners their wages.
Phase one focused on ice rinks and recreational facilities. Of the 223 sites inspected, 181 were using ammonia refrigeration systems. Inspecting officers issued 1,134 orders, three compliance agreements were created, and one stop use order was issued.
They and two reappointed members joined the panel's 10 current members in February, according to the NOAA announcement, which said the panel still is seeking five new members for a four-year term that starts Jan. 1, 2019, and runs through 2022.
"The presence of rabid animals in densely populated areas is troubling," said Jennifer House, public health veterinarian at the department. "Last year, two dogs in Colorado got rabies, so it's essential to make sure your pets are up to date on their shots. This will keep them and the public safe."
For drone operators, using LAANC can get them near real-time airspace authorizations, far less time that the manual authorization process requires. Also, air traffic controllers can see where planned drone operations will take place.
Sixteen free on-site visits last month caused those employers to correct 123 serious violations that could have affected up to 4,873 employees and resulted in enforcement penalties of as much as $861,000.