"The change related to only 7 percent of the gene expression that changed during spaceflight that had not returned to preflight after six months on Earth. This change of gene expression is very minimal," NASA explained in a March 15 statement.
"It has been a trying time for this community as we work through the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey," Gov. Abbott said March 15. "I want to assure all Texans that I am committed to working with the federal government and local officials to protect life and property from uncontrolled flood waters."
Safety is a primary concern in the workplace, especially when it comes to cutting tools. Rightfully so. Lacerations are one of the most common workplace injuries, and cutting tools are largely the culprit.
The survey will be done by a third party within a year at plants in Mississippi, Arkansas, New York, Michigan, Massachusetts, and Louisiana, to identify safety culture concerns that could be contributing to employees' willful misconduct.
"This information allows us to look at the areas where the opioid crisis is doing the most damage," Acting Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine said. "Through this data, we can see where prevention is needed, where rescue can be improved, and where treatment is necessary to help those communities that have been affected the most by the opioid epidemic."
"In the wake of recent storms, it is abundantly clear that some utilities failed to meet our expectations," Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said. "Given the number of prolonged outages, I directed the Department of Public Service to investigate the utilities' preparations and response to the storms."
"The ideal situation is for a bear to walk past your property, not find a food reward, and move along on its own," said DNR wildlife communication Coordinator Katie Keen. "That's the best way to live with bears and not encourage conflict."
A new pedestrian bridge under construction near the campus of Florida International University collapsed Thursday, crushing eight cars underneath the concrete slabs.
At least two people are injured and one person is missing after two explosions March 15 at a chemical plant in Hood County, Texas.
Gov. Kate Brown's news release said at the end of February, the snow-water equivalent in Klamath County was 40 percent of a normal water year, and forecasted water conditions are not expected to improve. Drought, severe weather conditions, and the upcoming fire season are significant threats to the local economy, agriculture and livestock, natural resources, and recreation in the county.
The tool contains an algorithm for searching chemical databases that can recognize new fentanyl analogs even if there are no matches in the chemical databases forensic chemists are using to identify illegal drugs.
The regulation requires employers in the hotel and lodging industry to implement and maintain an effective Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Program so employees won't be hurt from tasks such as lifting mattresses, pulling linens, pushing heavy carts, and slipping, tripping, or falling while cleaning bathrooms.
California's ultra-low NOx emissions standard is 0.02 grams per brake horsepower-hour. This program will demonstrate the first diesel engine to comply with this state standard.
The department's three model earned sick and safe leave policies cover employers awarding earned leave at the beginning of the year, employers allowing leave to accrue throughout the year, and a policy for tipped employees in the restaurant industry.
"Abandoned boats are not just an eyesore; they are a safety concern and a financial burden to communities," Minister of Transport Marc Garneau said.
As part of the settlement, Bunker Hill Mining Corp. will pay EPA up to $20 million, on behalf of Placer Mining, in satisfaction of EPA's past costs claim against Placer Mining, and Placer Mining agrees drop its "takings" case against the United States. BHMC can return the mine to production after a hiatus of more than two decades.
Four new documents offers tips on the design and use of exposure controls for nanomaterial production, post processing, and use. They are posters that pose questions employers and workers should consider before starting work with a nanomaterial and list options to reduce exposures to nanomaterials based on the physical form.