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AWEA's October Safety Campaign Aims to 'Stop the Shock'

According to AWEA, there are a record number of wind workers on the job and a record amount of wind power capacity under construction in the United States, making workplace safety awareness for wind workers more vital than ever.

MSHA Announces $10.5 Million in Training Grants

The funds cover training and retraining of mine workers who work at surface and underground coal and metal and nonmetal mines, including those who are in shell dredging or employed at surface stone, sand, and gravel mining operations.

BCSP and NIOSH Partner to Address Youth Worker Safety

"This new partnership with the BCSP Foundation allows us to extend our work and share a vision for preparing current and future generations of workers with the knowledge and skills they need to contribute to and benefit from safe, healthy and productive workplaces," said NIOSH Director John Howard, MD.

NIOSH Mine Safety and Health Technology Innovations Awards Winners Announced

"It's clear that companies are taking the initiative to address the health and safety challenges in each sector," said NIOSH Mining's Dr. Jessica Kogel. "It's heartening to see the industry develop its own meaningful solutions."

More Than Two-Thirds of Employees Are Tired at Work

More Than Two-Thirds of Employees Are Tired at Work

A majority (90 percent) of employers reported feeling the effects of fatigue on their workplace, including declines in productivity and safety incidents involving tired employees, but only 72 percent of employees saw being tired as a safety concern.

HHS Selects Pilot Projects to Show Better Path to Disaster Medical Care

Nebraska Medicine in Omaha, Neb., and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston received $3 million grants from ASPR's Hospital Preparedness Program to conduct pilot projects that show the potential effectiveness and viability of a Regional Disaster Health Response System.

A company that solely tracks lagging KPIs and has low incident rates, while positive, leaves the organization with very little data to analyze and help predict future decisions.

The Partnership Imperative: Working Together to Improve Contractor Safety Compliance

Rather than taking a punitive approach, you can make safety compliance a win-win for everyone involved.

By putting the power of choice in your workers

Tips for Selecting and Ensuring Effective Hearing Protection

A key to ensuring effective protection is fit testing. Fit testing evaluates noise and provides workers an accurate reading of their hearing protection effectiveness.

There is very little peer-reviewed, scientific research on the benefits and consequences of industrial exoskeletons. At present, there are fewer than 100 papers published.

Industrial Exoskeletons: What You're Not Hearing

Hold on a bit longer until the capabilities of these devices match our expectations to improve human performance and reduce MSDs.

Some are not aware that state-level Good Samaritan protections have advanced considerably over the years.

Could This Happen to You?

When a CPR/AED plan is in place and practiced, a person suffering cardiac arrest will receive care from trained individuals and teams working to save a life.

Some systems tap into existing air ducts; others are plug-and-play and are designed to release probiotics directly in the air.

Environmental Probiotics: Creating Healthy Indoor Workspaces

It is sensible that businesses and institutions should invest in programs to reduce the presence of harmful microorganisms.

Since we don

Squad Goals: Moving the Needle on Sudden Cardiac Arrest Requires a New Model

A volunteer "SCA responder squad" is needed to ensure someone is almost always nearby who feels ready and willing to help.


When it Comes to Safety, Size Shouldn't Matter

Technology has made parity achievable. Small and large companies can take comfort in knowing that, when it comes to worker safety, company size need not matter.

NOAA Revises Rainfall Qualifying as 100-Year or 1,000-Year Events in Texas

In Austin, 100-year rainfall amounts for 24 hours increased as much as three inches, up to 13 inches. 100-year estimates around Houston increased from 13 inches to 18 inches and values previously classified as 100-year events are now much more frequent 25-year events.

Your feet are the root of your body and when not kept healthy, it can ultimately cause pain in your knees, hips, and back. Protecting your feet is a proactive way to prevent debilitating health conditions and boost your healthfulness. (MEGAComfort photo)

Foot Injuries: Why They Matter and How to Avoid Them in Any Workplace

Supportive footwear with added comfort and shock absorption can prevent injury, illness, and fatigue.

Modern noise dosimeters are small, lightweight, feature multiple virtual instruments, and have many useful options to better describe the complete hazard during the shift. (Sensidyne, LP photo)

Recent Developments in Personal Noise Dosimetry

Modern noise dosimeters are small, lightweight, feature multiple virtual instruments, and have many useful options to better describe the complete hazard during the worker's shift.

Ten 'Critical Traits' of Respected Field Safety Professionals

It should be noted that even if you are not a new safety professional and have been in the organization for years, it is never too late to change your approach.


Artificial Intelligence