The DSSA is the highest award given to individuals by the National Safety Council.
The changes in the plan include exemptions from some requirements that may not be applicable to a plant that has permanently ceased operations.
The first day of the National Safety Council Congress & Expo in Houston was a whirlwind! Catch up on all the action by visiting our Live From NSC social zone at!
"These men and women bring a wealth of experience to the board," its chairman, Mark Vergnano, said Oct. 21.
During a more severe epidemic, adding pharmacies averted up to 23.7 million symptomatic cases, prevented up to 210,228 deaths, and saved $2.8 billion in direct medical costs, $97.1 billion in productivity losses, and $99.8 billion in overall costs.
Deborah A.P. Hersman, the National Safety Council's president and CEO, told attendees at the Oct. 22 opening session that all of us have to see more clearly the hazards that are killing so many Americans.
Given the statistics on confined space deaths, shouldn't rescuers know about atmospheric conditions before entering and attempting rescue? And shouldn't the attendant know about the entrants' readings in real time anyway?
This expansion of the database will allow end users to find products confirmed by the manufacturers as compliant with CDC’s Fentanyl PPE Guidance.
CDC reported that testing shows the outbreak strain of Salmonella is resistant to multiple antibiotics that may be used to treat people with severe Salmonella infection.
The pneumatic drill generated 444 times the OSHA permissible exposure level of silica dust, while the electric drill generated 11 times the OSHA level. The pneumatic drill's noise level was also greater than that of the electric drill, according to one study highlighted in NIOSH's October 2018 Research Rounds.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is overseeing the safe shutdown of operations at the facility. The coke battery consists of 60 ovens, of which 30 remained in operation at the time of shutdown; on Oct. 15 the last of the remaining 30 ovens were fully emptied, marking the end of coke production at the facility.
An Oct. 11 memo clarifies OSHA's position that 29 CFR 1904.35(b)(1)(iv) does not prohibit workplace safety incentive programs or post-incident drug testing.
Cooper Lighting, LLC has recalled about 362,000 All-Pro and Defiant solar-powered outdoor LED light fixtures because their batteries can overheat and cause the light fixture's housing to melt, posing a fire hazard.
The Oct. 18 meeting concerns corrective actions the Tennessee Valley Authority agreed to make at its nuclear plants and corporate offices after NRC staff in 2016 expressed the concern that some operations employees may not have felt comfortable raising safety concerns at the Watts Bar nuclear plant.
States participating in the ShakeOut are Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Tennessee.
In its Fall Economic Statement 2017, the government announced $546 million over five years to ensure appropriate capacity to license, inspect, and enforce all aspects of the Cannabis Act and to undertake public education and awareness activities.
The film is part of a larger campaign to raise awareness and increase the capacity of law enforcement and other agencies who suspect anyone of preparing a bomb so they can be stopped before an attack takes place