
The percentage of substance use treatment centers offering outreach services steadily increased from 2006 to 2012, according to the SAMHSA survey.

Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities Offering Outreach Services Still Rising

SAMHSA's latest report shows a 10 percentage increase from 2006 to 2012.

Firefighter Throwdown Live Online Next Week

The two-day event during Fire-Rescue International 2014, taking place in Dallas, is a strength and endurance challenge, now in its second year.

Waterfront Construction Inc. Cited for Exposing Workers to Serious Safety Hazards

The Miami-based contractor was cited for hazards at a worksite in Hallandale Beach, Fla.

Anheuser-Busch Cited for Refrigeration System Violations

The Columbus, Ohio brewery faces a proposed fine of $92,400.

MH370 Deep-water Search Contract Awarded

Fugro Survey Pty Ltd will use two vessels to conduct the search of the sea floor, utilizing side scan sonar, multi-beam echo sounders, and video cameras as they search for aircraft debris.

Union Pacific Taking Applications for Safety Grants

The UP CARES program began in 2013. It supports community-owned railroad safety initiatives.

NTSB Announces Safety Study on Drug Use in Aviation

Acting Chairman Christopher Hart said investigators wanted to look more closely at pilots and drug use.

LinkedIn to Pay Nearly $6M in Unpaid Overtime Wages and Damages

A total of 359 employees will receive money after the U.S. Labor Department investigation.

This FMCSA photo was included in NTSB

NHTSA Proposes More Passenger Protection in Motorcoaches

The agency has proposed a new federal motor carrier safety standard to enhance protections for rollover crashes.

The 2009 version of the standard is being revised, and public and stakeholder comments are being accepted by ISEA.

ISEA Accepting Comments on Revised First Aid Kit Standard

Sept. 8 is the deadline for submitting comments on the revision of ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2009.

DOL Makes Funding Available for Project in the Country of Georgia

Funding is available for the project to advance workers' rights.

CPSC Executive Director Moves Up to Chairman

Elliott F. Kaye has been sworn in as the tenth chairman in the history of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Cal/OSHA issued its first 2014 high heat alert on April 30.

AGC Reports 22,000 Construction Jobs Added Last Month

The sector's recovery has been uneven, according to the association’s economist, who said Congress’ bill to temporarily fund the Highway Trust Fund doesn’t help.

ASPPH Celebrating First Anniversary

The Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health launched a year ago and will hold its first stand-alone meeting next March in Arlington, Va.

NFPA Quiz Gets You Ready for 2014 Fire Prevention Week

Taking place Oct. 5-11, the week has a "Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives" theme.

First Phase of MSHA’s Respirable Coal Mine Dust Rule Goes into Effect

The landmark regulation will be phased in over the next two years.

Deep-Water Search for MH370 Starting Next Month

Australia's Joint Agency Coordination Centre announced the search will begin in September after ships mapping the sea floor in the new search area complete their survey work.

Attorney General Eric Holder recommends that federal law enforcement personnel who may encounter people experiencing an opioid overdose be trained and equipped with naloxone.

Holder Calls for Federal Law Enforcement Personnel to Carry Naloxone

He urged federal law enforcement agencies to train and equip personnel who may interact with someone overdosing on opioids.

Dexterity needed on the job must be taken into account in glove selection, especially if workers are removing their gloves to complete high-dexterity tasks. (HexArmor photo)

Hand Safety Matters

When you begin a glove trial, it is important to consider as many application-specific issues as possible.


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