Among the report's 10 recommendations are a universal labor guarantee that protects fundamental workers' rights, an adequate living wage, limits on hours of work, and safe and healthy workplaces.
The department will not fine businesses that have the old posters displayed, and NCDOL inspectors carry the newest posters in their vehicles and will offer them free to employers who have out-of-date posters.
"It is critical that we focus on rebuilding our public infrastructure," Alaska Labor Commissioner Dr. Tamika Ledbetter said. "This funding supports our commitment to invest in employment opportunities for rebuilding our public facilities, roads, and schools and provides opportunities for workers to gain transferable skills."
Aiming a laser pointer at an aircraft is a felony offense under 18 U.S. Code Section 39A.
"A seamless food safety regulatory system that involves many regulatory layers on the federal, state and local levels is key to preventing foodborne illness and protecting public health," McDowell said. "We hope our federal partners are back to business as usual soon, which will bring all food safety efforts up to full capacity."
The research, published in the latest edition of IOSH's Policy and Practice in Health and Safety Journal, investigated musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in workers as a result of different systems used for recycling and waste collection.
The new law will require the state's police and fire stations to offer crisis intervention services to assist first responders who are coping with psychological trauma or stress.
Medtronic recalled Synergy Cranial Software and Stealth Station S7 Cranial Software in September 2018 because of inaccuracies displayed during surgical procedures. The notice says FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall.
The 2019 Global Risks Report identifies economic worries, major power tensions, political strains, climate catastrophe, and technological instabilities as areas of concern.
"We are recalling inspectors and engineers to perform duties to ensure continuous operational safety of the entire national airspace," the Federal Aviation Administration announced Jan. 15 in a statement.
The Canadian government plans to appoint initial advisory board members by April 1, 2019, and will also introduce legislative changes this spring to the RCMP Act to make the board permanent.
Aireon says its system uses space-based ADS-B technology that will enable automatic and real-time collection of aircraft position data. The technology gives air traffic controllers and airlines a complete view of the entire sky, including of flight paths in remote and oceanic airspace.
Several key questions will require focus from all stakeholders, IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said, including what standards seafarers will be required to meet with respect to education, training, and certification to qualify them for the jobs of the future.
GIANT Food Stores, LLC is deploying the robots in all 172 of its stores this year. They will move around the store unassisted and are being used to identify hazards such as liquid, powder, and bulk food items' spills and to provide reporting that enables quick corrective action.
Petrotechnics, a provider of operational risk software for hazardous industries such as oil & gas, railroads, and chemicals, is based in Aberdeen, Scotland.
OSHA's inspectors determined that the company exposed employees to a hazardous atmosphere, failed to train employees on the health hazards of hydrogen sulfide, and did not drain water from the trench.
The $802 million I-395/SR 836/ I-95 Design-Build Project involves three projects that will be constructed concurrently to minimize impacts to the public.
William D. Turner, Jr. joined Skillful Indiana from Allison Transmission, Inc., where for more than a decade he headed the training and development organization for the Indianapolis-based manufacturing company.
Gov. Mike DeWine's executive order describes Ohio as "facing the worst drug epidemic in my lifetime [and] losing 13 or 14 people a day from accidental drug overdoses. Every county in Ohio and every city, town and village – urban and rural – is affected."
The national waiver allows State Farm to conduct drone operations over people and flights beyond the pilot's visual line of sight through November 2022. Previous waivers State Farm was granted were limited to a short time frame and to specific geographic areas affected by hurricanes.