
There is No Better Time to Assess Your Company’s Employee Engagement Than Now

You may think you should avoid conducting employee engagement assessments during a pandemic, but assessing engagement during tough time is actually the best way to find the truth.

Businesses Begin to Open, and So Do Worker Safety Lawsuits

As the country prepared to reopen in the coming weeks and months, workers do not want to put themselves at risk, and employers want to ensure they will not be sued if workers get sick.

Essential Workers and Unemployment Benefits Do Not Go Together

Essential Workers and Unemployment Benefits Do Not Go Together

If you’re an essential worker and choose not to work for fear of coronavirus infection, chances are you will not be eligible for unemployment benefits.

OSHA Provides New Video and Poster on Workplace Respirator Use

OSHA Provides New Video and Poster on Workplace Respirator Use

Many industries and workplaces will need to enforce the use of respirators to best protect workers from the coronavirus exposure.

National Safety Stand-Down Postponed Due to COVID-19

This week’s National Safety Stand-Down week for construction fall hazards is postponed due to COVID-19.

Amazon Engineer Has Had Enough, Saying the Company is Not Safeguarding Employees

Amazon Engineer Has Had Enough, Saying the Company is Not Safeguarding Employees

After Amazon fired two workers who raised safety concerns about COVID-19 in the workplace, one of the company’s senior engineer quit, saying he has had enough.

Freebies and Discounts for Nurses During National Nurses Week

May 6 through May 12 marks National Nurses Week—and many are helping show appreciation to healthcare workers with free or discounted food, clothes and more.

OSHA Alert for Restaurant, Food and Beverage Businesses Providing Curbside Pickup and Takeout

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued an alert with safety tips for restaurant, food and beverage businesses to protect their workers from coronavirus exposure while they provide curbside pickup or takeout.

Which States are Opening and Which are Not This Week?

Which States are Opening and Which are Not This Week?

The New York Times released an article outlining the U.S. states that are partially opening, soon opening and still shut down because of the coronavirus. While some state officials are eager to reopen, others are very wary.

NPIAP Recommendations for Mask Pressure Injuries

With the global pandemic has come many discussions on PPE: supply, effectiveness, disinfectant methods and injuries. The NPIAP released a position statement last month on how to ease N95 injuries.

Coronavirus Coping: Online Shopping, Going Outside & Trends by State

Coronavirus Coping: Online Shopping, Going Outside & Trends by State

A recent survey by WalletHub on social distancing and coronavirus coping examines Americans’ attitudes and behaviors during the pandemic. The results showed which states were best and worst at social distancing, and how individuals are coping in self-isolation.

Five Things Health & Safety Managers Should Know About PPE Standards

Five Things Health & Safety Managers Should Know About PPE Standards

PPE standards equip health and safety managers with tools to make informed choices about the right product for the job, and keeping up with them is a feat of its own.

Reducing Silica Exposure Amongst Stone Countertop Workers

Reducing Silica Exposure Amongst Stone Countertop Workers

Silica is threatening the health of many countertop workers—here’s what you can do to reduce their risk.

Frequently Asked Questions about Controlling Dangerous Dusts

Here are the most frequently asked questions about controlling dangerous dusts in order to maintain a safe work environment.

American Truckers Will Receive Over One Million Masks

The U.S. Department of Transportation announced that it will assist in distributing over one million protective masks to the nation’s commercial truck drivers.

Industrial Hygiene for the Non-Hygienist

Industrial Hygiene for the Non-Hygienist

Keeping workers healthy with vigilance and common sense.

The Role of FR Garments in Mitigating Combustible Dust Hazards

The Role of FR Garments in Mitigating Combustible Dust Hazards

FR garments also play a vital role in effective combustible dust hazard prevention.

Upping Your Industrial Hygiene and Chemical Management Game

Upping Your Industrial Hygiene and Chemical Management Game

Industrial hygiene is crucial for controlling chemical hazards by enacting deliberate and systematic protective measures.

Airborne Dust Exposure and Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Airborne Dust Exposure and Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Not all airborne dust particles are the same. Here are ways you can differentiate between particulate exposures and hazards for your workplace. 

Crossing Over the Gap Between Intent and Actions

Words only go so far for inciting a safety culture. You need to act.


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