MEMIC Honors L.L.Bean and Cynthia Murphy of CEI for Workforce Safety and Partnership

MEMIC Honors L.L.Bean and Cynthia Murphy of CEI for Workforce Safety and Partnership

The awards were presented at MEMIC Group’s recent annual meeting of policyholders.

Portland, Maine-based workers’ compensation insurance provider Maine Employers' Mutual Insurance Company (MEMIC) Group announced L.L.Bean and Cynthia Murphy of Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI) as the winners of its 2024 awards recognizing excellence in workforce safety and partnership at the Annual Meeting of Policyholders in Portland on June 10, 2024. 

According to a recent release, L.L.Bean received the MEMIC Award for Excellence in Safety, largely due to its participation in safety workshops, on-site assessments and training programs. The company's collaboration with MEMIC through their broker, Aon, resulted in thousands of employees being trained in safety protocols, cultivating a more accountable workplace culture.

The MEMIC Award for Workforce Partnership went to Cynthia Murphy, CEI’s senior program manager. She was recognized for her work with the Child Care Business Lab and the Child Care Investment Fund. Under Murphy's leadership, 32 graduates from the Child Care Business Lab launched new businesses, creating jobs and childcare spaces for parents.

“The MEMIC Awards perfectly exemplify the partnership between MEMIC and our policyholders when it comes to workers’ compensation,” MEMIC President/CEO Michael Bourque said in a statement. “At the end of the day, the relationship with our policyholders is more about protecting the health and safety of their most important asset—their people—than it is about insurance.”

More information about the winners and their achievements is available on MEMIC’s website.

About the Author

Robert Yaniz Jr. is the Content Editor of Occupational Health & Safety.

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