BSEE Testing New Oil Burning Technology
The Oil Spill Research Program is testing new technology at the USCG’s Joint Maritime Test Facility
The BSEE’s Oil Spill Preparedness Division began testing new oil burning technology at the U.S. Coast Guard’s Joint Maritime Test Facility this week, according to a report.
The work is being conducted via a Worcester Polytechnic Institute grant.
"BSEE awarded the contract to the Institute in order to help find ways to improve in-situ burning” Stone said. “They have successfully developed a new type of heat-feedback system that improves the combustion of crude oil. While the research is aimed at reducing the emissions from in-situ burning, it also has potential to catch any unburned oil residue that could potentially sink to the bottom of the ocean."
The goal of the research, according to a press release, is to develop new methods and tools to improve the efficiency of controlled burns and reduce the amount of soot produced.