Delay Reduction Technolooy Now Available at Chicago O'Hare and Midway

Data Comm helps reduce delays by making pilot-controller communications shorter and more accurate, FAA announced.

As part of the Federal Aviation Administration's NextGen air traffic control modernization, the agency has implemented Data Communications at Chicago's O'Hare and Midway airports. Data Comm will help reduce delays by making pilot-controller communications shorter and more accurate, according to the agency's news release.

Air traffic controllers enter flight departure clearance instructions into a computer and send that data to an aircraft's flight deck, where the crew views the information, confirms receipt, and enters the data into the plane's aircraft flight management system.

This process eliminates the need for pilots to verbally communicate with control towers, saving valuable time. Data Comm also allows aircraft to take off before a storm closes a departure window, while those using voice communications remain stuck on the ground, FAA reported.


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