The letter report rleased Dec. 29, 2015, outlines the systematic review that will be made of interventions to decrease the risk of Alzheimer

Letter Report Outlines Review of Interventions to Decrease Dementia Risk

A full report from the National Academies' expert committee, including recommendations, is expected to be finished in 2017.

A letter report released Dec. 29 by the National Academics of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine explains how several agencies and organizations will conduct a systematic review of the evidence on interventions to decrease the risk of developing clinical Alzheimer's-type dementia and mild cognitive impairment, as well as delay or slow age-related cognitive decline.

This came about because the National Institutes of Health wanted to understand the state of the science of preventing these conditions and to determine future research needs; the National Institute on Aging asked the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to oversee the review and asked the Academies to convene an expert committee to provide input into the design of that review. This letter report summarizes the committee's input into the review's design, based on a Dec. 15-16, 2015, committee meeting.

The committee's full report, including recommendations, is expected to be finished in 2017.


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